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Author Topic: Serenity Cream  (Read 65714 times)


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2012, 10:50:38 AM »

I think it's a shame if everyone doesn't keep posting their opinions on these things publically. I know that there's a member on natural prog. cream prescribed for her by a gynae as tests showed that she was estrogen-dominant. It's not common but it does exist. Also, a long-term member, Yogini, found that the Serenity cream really helped her anxiety. Sadly, she doesn't post these days, possibly partly due to feeling unwelcome because of her decision to use less conventional treatment.  :-\ :'(
These things might not help as many women as estrogen etc. but this is exactly the sort of place that it should be discussed - but non-confrontationally.  :)
Bette x


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2012, 10:51:38 AM »

Sorry - we posted at the same time!  ::) :)
Bette x


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2012, 03:28:19 PM »

For promoting products! when I thought my links were for information, I do try so hard and to make sure "Buy Now" is not on the page
 or violate any rules. 

I don't mind Emma telling me if I slip up , but not a forum member reporting me to Emma.

silverlady x
« Last Edit: February 28, 2012, 03:31:46 PM by silverlady »


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2012, 04:11:39 PM »

Oh dear,I hope I haven't prompted this SL by my asking for info about a certain product..... :-\

I've lost track of the amount of times I've 'come back' to this very helpful and enjoyable forum,after an incident of this kind.I've got enough aggravation in my real life,without finding it every time unpleasantness breaks out,I just think f**k it,and don't bother coming on  :(

Best wishes,Jilly x


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2012, 04:20:26 PM »

Re - natural progesterone
I do agree that Cyclogest and Utrogestan are more concentrated, and there is definitely a need for more research for example to find the lowest dose (or at least a tapered dose) needed to prevent endometrial hyperplasia so that those who are progesterone intolerant do not have to suffer the negative side effects from having a sudden increase in hormones.

I think that is the problem with HRT generally - if you look at the natural menstrual cycle the hormones go up and down in gentle curves so that both oestrogen and progesterone rise and fall gradually  - but with HRT it is just there or its not at a fixed dose which is what causes problems.

Jillymoo - I forgot there is another natural (bioidentical) progesterone called Crinone gel ( applied vaginally) which is at a lower dose than the others. This isn't licensed for HRT because it is used for fertility but some meno specialists do prescribe it so may be possible to ask for it? (It is an NHS medicine). It is possible it could be used every other day or every third day - which would give you 30 mg per day), but depends on what you are using it for and whether you are having a cycle? I have no experience of this and not sure if anyone else has but might be worth asking?

Hope this helps
Hurdity x


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2012, 03:02:51 PM »

I am using Serenity cream and sage leaf tablets and am now on my 2nd week I feel 98% better in this past 2 weeks than I have done in a long time, I went to see my GP last week originally to discuss HRT and while waiting for my appointment I thought what have I got to lose by trying serenity? a friend of mine has used it successfully for about 2 years now as she couldn't have HRT due to breast cancer in her family.

I was having in excess of 10 flushes a day and up to 6 or 7 durng the night with severe sweats, also feeling so low in mood, and irritiable almost constantly, Within 4 days of starting the serenity and sage leaf I can honestly say that my hot flushes had improved to the point of getting maybe 2 a day and one at night. I now have an occasional glow during the day but it doesn't develop into a full on (omg my head is going to explode!) flush...and night time I might get one sweat but that is copeable with.

When I went to my GP to discuss HRT I took along allthe information iincluding the book on natural progesterone cream, she has said if it working for me then to continue using it, if it should stop working, or not control my symptoms suffieciently then to go back and see her and we can discuss other options.

She also said that some women are naturally oestrogen dominant so progesterone can help to balance this out and make you feel better.

I am more than happy to spend my money on serenity for as long as it is helping, but I am also willing to try other things if the situation changes.

No harm in trying, and sometimes you have to up the dose or even double the dose at first, sometimes for the first 3 months or so to allow it to balance out the oestrogens in your body.

Lisa x


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2012, 03:34:40 PM »

a friend of mine has used it successfully for about 2 years now as she couldn't have HRT due to breast cancer in her family. I hope that you don't mind me commenting on this but it did ring an alarm bell.  :-\ Progesterone is not usually considered completely "safe" for those with high breast cancer risk; I presume that she did check with her gp?  ???
Bette x


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2012, 05:00:38 PM »

Just a note here.  I used to use it and got an email from them saying the price has gone up after the budget.  Blooming government!


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2012, 06:48:19 PM »

I was using a Progesterone Cream, think it was the 3% one if I recall in conjunction with my Oestrogel. When I informed my Gynae, he was not terribly happy, said that the creams are not strong enough to oppose the oestrogen in the Oestrogel and he prescribed Uterogestan instead. I must say, on the Progesterone cream it did not bring on a monthly bleed when I withdrew it at the end of every cycle so that got me thinking! Is there anyone using a Progesterone cream with a conventional Oestrogen? Would be interested to know if it gives you a bleed as this would make me feel a bit more comfortable knowing that I am not getting a build up of the uterine lining.


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2012, 07:24:47 PM »

This is from the menu on the left, Cassie:-
NATURAL PROGESTERONE CREAM This is only available on a private prescription and is used in varying strengths. Some individuals believe that the replacement of progesterone rather than estrogen is needed at the menopause but many experts still believe that the symptoms of menopause are due to estrogen lack and therefore the main hormone to replace should be estrogen, with forms of progesterone only being added to protect the womb lining from stimulation by estrogen. However, progesterone cream has been shown to be of some help in the relief of flushes and sweats at the menopause but natural progesterone cream is not suitable for providing protection to the womb lining.
I really don't think that it's safe not to be using another prog. source to oppose your Oestrogel.  :(
Bette x


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2012, 07:06:02 AM »

Thankyou for that Bette, I am glad that I listened to my Dr and went over onto the Utero instead.  :)


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2012, 08:57:47 AM »

This is the danger with some of these remedies.
It is so important not to be swayed by the advertising and promotion (mainly from US where their healthcare system is different) and use recommended products from the NHS/GP as HRT.
Alternative remedies can be bought if desired - some of them are harmless, some won't do what you want them to do, some are harmful or potentially so (see DHEA and Black cohosh threads) - but only with full understanding with what you are using them for.
Thes products vary so much - if it is a mineral or Vitamin supplement  then most likely this will only be beneficial - but not all herbal remedies are hamrless - but if it is a hormone sold freely I would urge caution
Hurdity x


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2012, 10:57:12 AM »

I have never seen Serenity cream promoted here in US.  I learned about it from a friend in South Africa. 


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2012, 11:31:46 AM »

"When I went to my GP to discuss HRT I took along all the information including the book on natural progesterone cream, she has said if it working for me then to continue using it, if it should stop working, or not control my symptoms sufficiently then to go back and see her and we can discuss other options.

She also said that some women are naturally estrogen dominant so progesterone can help to balance this out and make you feel better" quote from Lisajp.

It seems some GPs are open to alternate methods to conventional HRT, not combining it with estrogen prescribed I am sure though.

I don't think think in all my research and  reading I have ever read that progesterone cream that was not compounded should ever be used to off set conventional HRT that has been prescribed. However I have read about estriol cream combined natural progesterone cream to be used on its own.

Just to add about that, these are creams sold for profit, pharmaceutical companions sell their drugs for profit too, every thing is sold for profit.

If a woman wants to try something different to conventional HRT she should be allowed to talk about her experiences without disaproval, each time we talk about a make of HRT surely we are promoting it as much as someone talking about serenity cream or any other creams or alternatives to conventional HRT. Posters including me try very hard not post links directly to any product, but at least I hope we can still talk about them.

silverlady x
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 09:44:01 AM by silverlady »


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Re: Serenity Cream
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2012, 12:22:15 PM »

I think it's a shame if everyone doesn't keep posting their opinions on these things publically. I know that there's a member on natural prog. cream prescribed for her by a gynae as tests showed that she was estrogen-dominant. It's not common but it does exist. Also, a long-term member, Yogini, found that the Serenity cream really helped her anxiety. Sadly, she doesn't post these days, possibly partly due to feeling unwelcome because of her decision to use less conventional treatment.  :-\ :'(
These things might not help as many women as estrogen etc. but this is exactly the sort of place that it should be discussed - but non-confrontationally.  :)
Bette x

I think Bette's post is spot on......
I do not think any member should criticize another member's posts.  The moderator can decide if a post is not appropriate.  The forums should encourage a free flow of contributions. 
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 12:36:05 PM by Trey »
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