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Author Topic: High cholesterol  (Read 20257 times)


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2012, 02:55:04 PM »

Thanks OYI  -  I was wondering what the olive oil spread would be like in cakes.  Have you tried that?

I am trying to stop having my beloved butter too - only used to have it on toast 3 times per week and dont have it anywhere else other than if I make a cake.  The other soft margarines with their trans fatty oils are worse than butter I think.

I am having the real dark good chocolate - a couple of squares per day as they say that helps with cholesterol lowering too.


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2012, 03:44:35 PM »

Ooh that's good news!  I haven't had any chocolate since February.  I'm just such an addict - I can't control myself once I start.  I'm one of those have to eat the whole bar in one go people.  My sis says it's genetic programming to survive - haha - any excuse!


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2012, 03:52:47 PM »

I had no idea about the high cholesterol link to menopause!

I was diagnosed with hereditary high cholesterol earlier this year (my dad died of heart woes) and am now on statins. Mum has also got high cholesterol but she manages to get hers down using Benecol (which has no effect on me).

I don't drink or smoke and I'm veggie (no eggs either). I walk everywhere (don't drive) and have watched my food intake for years (currently 4 stones overweight despite all the diets). I use olive oil spread, not butter and I have garlic oil capsules every day (plus garlic in food whenever I can).

I eat porridge for tea (with sultanas instead of sugar) and I avoid cheese if humanly possible (even though I crave it).

The statins have brought my cholesterol down from 7.8 to 5.6 in a matter of weeks (!)

I hate being on yet another tablet, but I have to accept the fact that I'd rather put up with potential side-effects of statins against the very real threat of heart disease...

I WAS wondering if the statins were causing my current muscle/joint pains but after reading a few threads on this forum this could well be yet another symptom of the menopause.

Karen x


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2012, 08:53:32 AM »

Statins are renowned for causing muscle aches and pains, my OH had to stop taking then due to this, even though his chholesterol is higher then it should be.

His doctor tried him on various different types but it still cause the muscle aches, so now has stopped prescribing them, there is a lot if information about the side effects of statins and forums  with people with who have been effected by taking them.

On the other hand there a lot of people who can take statins and not have these side effects.

silverlady x


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2012, 10:03:18 AM »

Thanks :)

I was warned before starting statins they COULD cause muscle pains, but as I've just found out, it could also be meno. I'm hoping that if/when I get my hormones sorted out I'll be able to know whether it's the statins or not (was told testo can help alleviate muscle/joint aches).

When you take a variety of tablets it's soooooooo hard to know which one/s are to blame when you feel ill or painful without stopping everything at once and introducing them again one at a time (not recommended!!)

Karen x


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2012, 10:25:51 AM »

Hi Susan,

I do hope so (once the nausea wears off!)



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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2012, 10:43:09 AM »


Have a look at Dr John Briffas blog on Cholesterol , lots of info on there.

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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2012, 01:10:06 PM »

Hi panda, you sound like you eat a really sensible, balanced diet so I don't understand how you can be 4 stone overweight.  The cholesterol problem, as you say, is hereditary - I know a number of folk who are as slim as rods and have high cholesterol.  I had always had bad eating habits and would eat things like a jumbo bag of doritos instead of dinner at night, follow lunch with half a pack of chocolate biscuits and stuff like that.  I tried counting calories but kept cheating!  It was only by cutting out eating between meals that helped me to lose weight (and the high cholesterol).  I guess everyone has to find their own solution.
Susan, sorry you dropped your test!  Can't your GP order a test of your cholesterol levels?  I had to go privately to a microbiologist. 
There was no way I was going to go onto drugs to solve my problem - I really believe that many health professionals give drugs as an easy solution (because they benefit from it, not you!) when good health can be achieved by a change in diet and/or lifestyle.  My OH was prescribed pills for his high blood pressure on his first visit to a doctor - the doctor didn't even bother to take into consideration OH's weight and penchant for beer!
I do realize that sometimes drugs are necessary though.  :'(


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2012, 01:18:01 PM »

Cholesterol is a tricky subject because its not all down to one number, also it's not always directly linked to diet for some people its hereditry.
Benecol contains plant sterols which can bring down cholesterol, you can also get plant sterols from Boots in tablet form. My Husband has taken these for six months and his cholesterol is coming down although slowly.


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #39 on: June 06, 2012, 01:35:27 PM »

Your doctor can arrange for you to have a cholesterol test on the NHS.

Its really the triglycerides that have to be watched more then the cholesterol levels.

silverlady x


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2012, 04:17:09 PM »

I am trying to lower my cholesterol naturally too without going on statins.  It is currently 5.9 and the GP has agreed to give me a year to get it down further.

Does anyone know if the Benecol drinks are worth buying - do they lower it significantly?    I am trying to eat more oats such as porridge etc as well.



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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2012, 04:28:25 PM »

My m-i-l managed to avoid going on statins by using Benecol products.
Bette x


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2012, 05:16:53 PM »

We use Benecol and the Benecol cheese too, its quite good aswell, also use very small  amounts of butter. Eating eggs do not make too much difference.

The best way to bring levels down is to avoid sweet stuff and trans fatty acids, exercise and cut down on stress.

If you lose weight all your cholesterol levels go down unless unless you have the hereditary type.

silverlady x


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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2012, 05:26:07 PM »

Thanks Better and SL

I didnt realise that you could get Benecol cheese - presumably in the usual supermarkets?  Do you have the Benecol drinks as well?

I am trying to lose weight as well so hopefully all these measures will lower it further.



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Re: High cholesterol
« Reply #44 on: June 06, 2012, 08:36:33 PM »

I think that m-i-l used the foodstuffs (spreads etc) rather than the drinks.
Bette x
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