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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 899476 times)

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #570 on: September 13, 2011, 02:02:11 PM »

OK what does the sides to Vagifem say Ok read it depression is a side to vagifem(says to tell your GP)
So if your fanny is feeling better but your scared again go to GP maybe he can give you something to help the Anxiety
I too get sometimes symptoms like you describe days when I feel so unimaginably sad I cry feel worthless
But no matter what I wont and couldnt put up with the Atrophy the pain 24/7 365 days
Keep using it and make an appt with GP unless the anxiety is way too bad to cope with
The internal soreness goes with in a couple of weeks then with in another 4/6 weeks of maint 2x week its OK
Sex is good the fanny feels normal again OK mine doesnt looki normal as my AV was so advanced and I never took HRT
I went over at 36/37 IM now 57 havent had a period since mid 90s I used Ovestin HRT cream and the mini pill till Feb 14th 2010 when my Atrophy was so bad even with useing Vram and Mini pill 18mnths of pain every day all day
Id say with in a few days the horrific pain went BUT if youve not tried Ovestin its good it worked for me for 10 years
I was put on the mini pill to balance the hormones on Vagifem you dont need that though some ladies take HRT as well
I know and understand the feeling your feeling Vagifem may not be OK for you but see GP first asap
Cos it evidently makes the fanny feel better? xxxxxxx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #571 on: September 14, 2011, 07:55:01 PM »

Thanks Suzy,
 I have made an appointment to see Doc again, and have asked to see the gyno so have to wait a couple of weeks but will keep you posted as to what happens.  :)


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peeing razor blades
« Reply #572 on: September 16, 2011, 05:40:46 AM »

Does any-one know if vaginal dryness lead to a slight touch of cystitis?
Old thread I know, but this is my tuppenceworth:

I used to get cystitis after "enthusiastic" conjugals, but now it comes with no real cause.  Usually before a party, or while I'm camping, just to vex me the most.
I keep a cheap cystitis powder in my bag now, and a carton of cranberry juice in the cupboard (check the label though, OceanSpray has the highest level of real juice in it).
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 05:45:36 AM by two_sore_feet »


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natural lube
« Reply #573 on: September 16, 2011, 05:45:07 AM »

I used Sylk which really is excellent.

I didn't get on with it at all, and when Himself bought us some Durex lube as a "treat" I came out in a horrendous blistery rash (I'm prone to eczema, even "down there").  No conjugals for a week after that!

What I've found really gentle and really good is sweet almond oil, which I've used for 4 years now.  It's brilliant (about £6 from H & Barrett, amazon or almost anywhere else)
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 05:50:53 AM by two_sore_feet »

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #574 on: October 04, 2011, 11:24:22 AM »

Im hoping to god this is just a BLIP
A week last FRiday the funny fanny felt iffy
By today im dry as a bone outside it feels like sunburnt its so dry and tight
MY glands at the opening are swollen like they used to be I feel like im sitting on something down there
Looked(fanny)it looks like it did 18mnths ago it doesnt feel half as bad but its defo the same type of feeling and ache
I can see the Bartholin glands again all red sore looking no no prolapse visable its exactly like it used to be but less so
It was easier tonight to put iVagi in this is an extra normally do Sun and Thur but it felt too yuk and  I decided 1 extra
By now Id normally be feeling fine nope its like im sitting on a golf ball and the dry stretchy feeling is still there
Im depressd about it Bo0bbles stayed up we watched 3 You Must Rememeber this eps to try to get my mind off it
Im terrified to death its failing if it is its just failed with a BANG fine for weeks not one iffy day then BANG 10days ago
Only one thing I dont want to wee but im sitting here dry and sore Bobbles says is its stress over the loss of my job
I hope to God hes right cos where the F do I go from here if its failed
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 11:26:42 AM by Suzi Q »


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #575 on: October 04, 2011, 11:04:27 PM »

Hi Suzi - sorry to read this. I have to say that this is what happened to me when I needed full HRT to keep things ok. The amount of oestrogen in Vagifem wasn't enough as my own supplies dwindled further. Big hug from me though and hope you are feeling better.

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #576 on: October 04, 2011, 11:30:23 PM »

Suzi, I use Estrace cream as needed, but at least twice a week.  Many docs advise using it with the tip of your finger rather than applicator as you may need it on the peri area as much as the vag walls.  The lower third of the bladder has lots of estrogen receptors so I cover the urethral opening as well.  Its not a big deal, just slap it on on inactive nights or after and forget it.  It is pretty much absorbed by morning.  It is a bit stronger than Vagifem, but not hugely so - it just covers where you need it better IMHO.  Don't panic, it will be ok.  These well-respected doctors that Susan refers to in the video I posted said they expect and see REVERSAL of vaginal atrophy.  I am way post meno and look ok down there.  Do have a damn prolapse after going off the ERT after that bad study.  Never a problem before.  When I went back on it went away for a few years and then slowly returned, but is still manageable.  It's the hot burning that did me in and that is gone.  I also use a UK internal stim machine for VA and prolapse and it has programs for incontinence that I don't need.
It stimulates the whole area in what I have to call a non sexual way - it's more like a PT therapy or actually it is a physical therapy thingy.  It has helped as well.

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #577 on: October 05, 2011, 11:25:58 AM »

HI Susan HI Taz
well I put the extra one in last night and today no feeling of sitting on a lump the pain there has GONE!
Still bit dry outside and the pubic areas on the inner outer mons feels ****ly but compared to last night 1000% better
I think I do need to use it more after such a quick result IM nt anything like I was 2 weeks ago but much improved
I am going to do it every other night for a week So last Sun Tue Thur Sat Mon see how I am by next Wednesday
The idea of redoing the start up sounds quite reasonable Im sure my GP would have no worries with that
HRT is a HUGE problem for other medical reasons even so theres no F WAY I could ever go back to that Atrophic pain
I saw a GYNY 18mnths ago he said that your genital tissue like labias cant regrow they have GONE
I dont have a prolapse that GP can see and to be honest i couldnt use a tampax the idea of shoving something up
YEWWWWW gives me the creepy diff strokes for diff folks I couldnt even try that
The Keegles made my Vaginal opening bruised and swollen and sore my GP told me to stop its not for everyone
Taz Im sure your probably right and who know HRT in the end maybe the way I have to go I just take solace from the fact that 25mg of Vagifem even 3 times a week is nought not really
Thanks to you all fro replying still feel weird and will be scared I may wake up tomorrow bad again xxxxxx

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #578 on: October 05, 2011, 11:27:39 AM »

Try not too panic Suzi. Bobbles might be right or it just could be a blip. Are you doing the 25mcg every other night?

I watched a medscape presentation that Taylor sent me on VA. There were 3 very senior Drs delivering the lecture and their area of expertise was Vaginal Atrophy.

I'm sure towards the end (it was about 50 mins long) one said that for some women they may need to re-do the 14 days continuous once a year.

Perhaps you could get medical advice on it.
Redo the 2 week course then go back to 2 times a week yes?

They even seemed to be saying as well that this was a safer way to take it as the 14 days continuous would re-coat the walls again, prior to going back to the two a week and then the 2 a week would not be obsorbed.

As you are nearly 20 years post-meno, having gone over so young, perhaps that might be appropriate for you. Don't despair there may be an answer.


Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #579 on: October 05, 2011, 12:35:59 PM »

Hi Larky
glad your back
I know my GP wouldnt have any problems and if its iffy tomorrow and then fine FRiday but iffy Saturday
I may well just do that do the 14 day thing again coa 100000000% it was hormones or lack off
Thanks for replying

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #580 on: October 06, 2011, 01:13:36 PM »

Woke up this am feeling almost 100% normal felt like that all day then tonight i put my normal routine day vagifem in
I was fine no worries till 4/5 hours later I went for a wee wee and I burnt feel like my uretha is on fire
Dont know if i should have put another one in I was debating it
But before that I was almost back to where i was  2 weeks ago tomorrow  NORMAL
I feel quite teary I couldnt bear to go back to before all I can do is wait a week or so see if it calms down if not
Dont really know what to do but thanks for your being here xxxx

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #581 on: October 06, 2011, 01:32:23 PM »

It became iffy and burny AFTER Id put it in
I was feeling almost 100% and then thought well THURS my normal Vagi day and  as I feel good
Dont rock the boat the fanny eveidently needed the extra one so in went the Thursday one
All I can explain it is I was fine for hours then needed to pee fine for about 10 mins after id gone then BAM
Burning in the part between your cloittoras and vaginal opening no throbbing no other pain just that and no idea why
All I can do is hope that the morning brings no burning and my water was almost drinkable it was that clear
Thanks for replying xxx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #582 on: October 06, 2011, 02:31:23 PM »

Suzi, when I have a flare up I use a heavy petroleum type jelly - in US called Aquaphor - but any heavy such jelly protects when the hormones don't seem to be enough.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #583 on: October 06, 2011, 02:32:05 PM »

Hi Suzi
I am sorry to hear you are having trouble again.
I think the idea of a two week continual use sounds good.

I use gynest vaginal cream with varying results, I have never been able to drop to more than three days apart and often use it every other day.  If I feel iffy I use the cream regardless.
Like you I can't bear to go back to how I felt before.
I am seeing the doctor on Monday and I am going to ask about vagifem.

I hope you are feeling back to normal soon  :hug:

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #584 on: October 07, 2011, 07:58:37 AM »

I dont know Larky
I keep a diary and the Vagifem doesnt seem to be causing this
I was stressed badly over work and I was having loads of hot flushes and panic attaxks
When I put the extra one in on Tuesady my fanny was so pleased and Wed it was 95% better
Thursday it was about 98% and as Thurs my normal day??? Anyway it went by midnight so the pain burn lasted about 2 hours Tofday I ws woke up with a bang anf didnt realise till 12pm I hadnt gone for a wee not even the get up one
I went and only slight burn its been like that all day just a slight burning down there in thats bit
Its not tickety boo though I dont think Im ready to fo the 14 days yet I rang GP got a script so I can if I need too
 Sunday night next one due see how tonight and tomorrow is see how I feel I have had blips before just not this long
I went on a site today in USA Garden web something  women there in pain they describe is how we all were with AV
But most couldnt get Vagifem their HMO wouldnt pay for it so it must be exy there Im just praying this is a bad blipx
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