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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 899518 times)

lubi loo

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #495 on: February 06, 2011, 11:57:09 AM »

 ;) yip u got it Suzie...i had a shuffty with the mirror and  swear i could see all the way to my tonsils..not sure if need gyne or ent ... vagifem  will google and give it all great did that help with weakend orgasms? or just lube? K


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #496 on: February 06, 2011, 04:38:50 PM »

In one way thats good news Lubi loo - if you can see right to your tonsils it means you don't have a prolapse!

Taz x  ;D

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #497 on: February 07, 2011, 09:07:01 AM »

If you cant see anything falling out or a lump at the opening (thats right yes Taz?)
It is funny though to kow that the reason why you can see everything is cos it used to be covered by the inner labias
Now you look and theres nothing there except the opening OH a few glands etc but Im pretty certain I dont have prolapse
Only cos the Vagifem goes in asap as does the old LOU LOU no problems there thank god hehehehe
Tell you another thing I can see now is my epesiotomy couldnt see it before cos of the labias now they are gone I can see the scar!
Still rather have the labias than a flappy fanny oxymoron I kow theres nothing to flap but thats how it seemed to start feeling open!

lubi loo

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #498 on: February 10, 2011, 03:45:37 PM »

Well  I am about to start my "serenity" so heres hoping my badly packed kebab responds ....

I have surfed and read and have stopped all the natural meno stuff also my soya as im vegi and done soy it may be a coincidence but no migraines..................I realise i was always eostro heavy,  fybroids heavy painful periods etc  I bled for 26 days towel and tampon every hour bloodcount so low in Aug this year i thought i was just going to empty and die and risatriptan   for migraine every day and now realise i was pumping in more eostrogen as well .

Must admit i am how flushing and sweating..but....I dont care i can sweat burn get moody go through 8 pack of batteries to get an orgasm i really dont care...i can function. My migraines had reached the point that i was feeling desperate. really desperate.

So if they go please God..I can live and function.
Hoping this isnt premature rejoicing..but,,no risatriptan for over a week!!!!!!!!!!!!! few headaches but thats a dawdle.
Keeping fingers crossed. if not


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #499 on: March 13, 2011, 12:15:33 AM »

Doctor Currie
I didnt actually realise that vaginal dryness was a sign of the meno. I have certainly noticed it over the past few months ( and sure hubby has too) and I will definitely try the remedies/ helps you suggested.
Thanks you


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #500 on: March 15, 2011, 12:23:48 PM »

Hi Taz
how do you take Vagifem? After reading all the advice on this site am off to doc next week (first available appointment.......) and just want to know what I will ask about. She is a truculent argumentative old mare is my doctor so I need to go armed with info to persuade her to let me try it. I am certainly going to tell her about this site AND about all the helpful advice from you ladies. ( Hope to God she doesnt insist on an internal!)
Will keep you posted

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #501 on: March 15, 2011, 12:51:09 PM »

Look on the vagifem site just type in Vagifem
Get the treatment page and print it out
Its a teeny weeny pressarie at the top of the aplicator its fixed in there but you can see it 
The aplicator is the size of a pencil in circimferance at the ends a tiny pellet so its all very thin and easy to insert
You put the aplicattor in as far as you can then depress the top and the pellet sticks to the inside of your vaginal walls
Its absorbed and helps brings the fanny back to tickety boo health
You take it every night for 2 weeks then 2 times in 7 days I do Sunday and Thursday
You can take it now with out a break ie rpt scripts they come in pks of 15
If you dont want an internal no GP can make you have one and can not refuse treatment they cant discriminate
Lots of Asian ladies WONT have them and they get treated I just said NO to my GP he gave me them 
Good luck Vagifems the best thing Dont let her fob you off with Ovestin  its a cream its so messy and it falls out  plus app is HUGE


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #502 on: March 16, 2011, 02:35:47 PM »

I will definitely ask The Old Doc for it then - once I've stopped sniggering at Suzi Q's description ie "restoring the fanny back to tickety boo health" Ha! I cant wait!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #503 on: March 16, 2011, 11:34:36 PM »

Hi Wise Women,
My first post...........and what a subject.

I can't believe that what you have described on here is EXACTLY how it feels for me. I'm lucky enough to have a younger guy, been together 5 years, and I was actually quietly considering that maybe I should end the relationship as what was great to start with, was now so painful, and he had to edge his way in according to my gasps, clenched teeth, not to mention the constant top up of KY........

Today, I registered with a brand new doctor, and had to have the customery mini appointment with the Practice Nurse.  I skipped out of her room, FINALLY found someone who actually listened, and HEARD what I was saying,
so after about 3 years of ouch, ouch, sex, I felt comfortable enough to ask for 'something' to stop the burning, and the bracing....... for the wrong reasons !

She's suggested Vagifem, and so I've been reading up about it.   You all sound so positive on here, and I now feel really stupid for not asking for help before, but I had an older male grumpy doctor, and so, kept quiet.


One question, that I can't find the answer to.  Whilst I wouldn't imagine I'd be 'at it' 7 nights in a row, can you use the pessaries while you are getting up close and personal, or should you not do it when you first start to use them?    I have a bit of a long distance relationship, but will be seeing a bit of action at the end of this month. Nurse wants me to go back in 7 days to organise these pessaries as she had a queue a mile long and wanted to talk more to me ( hurrah !)   So, if I start them say next Wednesday, would I miraculously feel more comfortable  7 days later.   Thanks so much girls xx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #504 on: March 17, 2011, 12:09:47 AM »

Hi rosyposy - welcome to the forum  :)

The vagifem began working for me by the end of the first week so you may find the same yourself. As for worrying about whether to or not once you start them - well, I used to put mine in each night at bedtime and we just got on with what we would normally do and it never ended up stuck to anywhere it shouldn't be!

Have a good browse around the forum. You will find much help and support on here.

Taz x

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #505 on: March 17, 2011, 05:35:12 AM »

Hi Ropsyposey
Mine was horrific so I abstained for the 21 days I made sure he had fun hehehehe Lous abounded not with me though hehehe
I had to take it every night for 3 weeks as mine was really bad then I decided for me which days I wasnt likely to make love
I went about this very well THURSDAY late night shopping so hes knackered he does it staright from work so hes knackered
The Sunday night well hes been happy over the weekend and Sunday we ride the Bike ULY club so Sunday nights
Well couple of glasses of wine and a DVD and Bobbles is bo bos no problems hehehehe
Go for it hun its been a life saver for me
This time last year id been on it since Feb 14th after 18mnths of horrific pain and burning inside and outside Its hard to remember
Plus the peeing all the time the horrific pain went with in days 3/4 and has never come back
My fanny took a few months thought to get back to 95% normality it is always prone to infections etc but ohhh the relief
Making love OK still a bit tight a tiny bit sore to enter but then I always was but after that 95% like it used to be
I say 95% cos sometimes sex can irritate the old fanny for a couple of hours other times nothing
So use it but dont rush it having sex I mean let the Vagifem work for a couple of weeks before sex I did and Id advise it myself
I put mine in about 8pm then watch tele I go to the loo an hour or so before hand Im paranoid it will drop out that why
I know it wont or cant not if put in properly but sods law would just happen hehehe
Plus taking time to use it and let your inards heal cos imagine how youd feel if it still hurt after a couple of weeks
It takes time to replenish the old fanny and get it tickety boo again xxx

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #506 on: March 24, 2011, 07:16:42 AM »

For the first time ever we did it the same night I put it in
It was fine didnt hurt so it must have MELTED
We had a bllody ball too heheheheh


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #507 on: March 24, 2011, 10:37:43 AM »

Suzi Q you should be bottled and given out to all of us dried up menopausal old crones! I've read this whole thing and it's thoroughly depressing but your posts give us all a bit of hope-and a good laugh. And god knows there's not much to laugh about!
When I first joined this forum I used to think "I'm NOT ending up like that"...but here I am :'(  I've tried Maca, Solgar...whatever (hideously expensive and a waste of time), Omega 7 (jury's still out), Menopace, Pueraria Mirifica, Yes Yes Yes, Replens  etc etc but it seems the only thing that will do anything is Vagifem. I know it carries less of a risk than normal HRT but the risk is something I really don't want to take. Oh and it was great to read that it's not just the dryness, weeing and soreness I have to put up with, but my f*nny is going to disappear as well!! I plucked up the courage to take a look this morning and the outer "bits" have definitely changed. Crikey it's enough to make you want to just give in! I'm sitting here fake tan on, big hair, make up....but my ...downstairs lady garden is like a shrivelled old prune!
Anyway, I digress. My hubby and I have now got separate rooms, which is great in one way but our sex life has ground to a halt. I broached the subject the other day and OH said he was scared of hurting me, but as it seems like it's a case of use it or lose it, we really are going to have to persevere. Yes Yes Yes is good, but as far as I can see it's just a lube. Is there ANYTHING that revitalises the bits without resorting to Vagifem?

Apologies for rambling ladies but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and don't know what to do for the best  :(


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #508 on: March 24, 2011, 01:25:08 PM »

It's the more serious side effects I'm worried about, like breast the weight gain doesn't sound too appealling either-I've got enough to contend with now with my ever-increasing muffin top! I'm absolutely gob-smacked about the loss of "tissue" I have to look forward too as well  :o does this happen to everyone? Nobody EVER told me things were gonna be this bad!

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #509 on: March 25, 2011, 08:07:07 AM »

Sod the risks live your life love this isnt a rehearsal this is it as good as it gets
I never took HRT either too scaredy cat
But when my fanny ached pulsated burnt hot pocker up inside felt like I was sitting on a burning seat hot liquid acid leaked
Wanted to pee all the time and it burnt my lips were swollen skin dropping off like sunburn OK F it enoughs enough
18 bloody months I put up with it taking akll sorts of drugs that did sod all there is abso NOTHING out there
Ive said it before and at the risk of being BOREING if there was a natural remedy he/shed be richer than BILL GATES
Vagifem is absorbed for 2 weeks directly in to the old fanny linning then it just maitains it
My GP is a swine(I LOVE HIM REALLY!) he wouldnt even countenance HRT he said hed sooner give me cyanide TAHNKS MICHAEL!
He assured me and I belive him that Vagifems safe my MUM DAD Brother 2 Aunty 3 Grandparents all died of heart or strokes
Thats was my fear know what after being fannyless and labia less now I can do it like Beckeham OH its YUMBO
My fanny is almost labialess well Bobbles lou lous a bit wrinkly too and hes got a Stewart Granger lou Lou so he shaves the hairs off
Just know that Madoona fanny is going to or could even look like ours now you cant stop biology (F>>K)
\Get the Vagi take 3/4 weeks to let it recover then move back in say HONEY IM BACKKKKKKKK
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