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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 899889 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #225 on: January 27, 2010, 12:50:27 PM »

Australian foreplay (i.e. "You awake?")! 

 :clapping: :clapping: :lol:


Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #226 on: January 28, 2010, 04:56:42 AM »

Australian males mantra
My Mates
My Ute
My Dog
and then me wife
I thought all ozzie men were latent homosexuals
They arent they are just terrified of women and except for sex we bore them
Suzi Q and Ozzie for 28 years (migrant)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #227 on: January 28, 2010, 11:34:40 AM »

Thank you SuziQ...I'm still giggling... :rofl:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #228 on: January 28, 2010, 05:49:51 PM »

Heh.  :)

(Just like to point out that Mr D isn't Australian, but I'm sure you all know what I mean about familiarity...)

Well, this is day 4 on the Ovestin, and I have to say so far I'm well impressed.  The sheer quantity of the cream you have to use each time is a bit daunting - it usually re-appears halfway through the following morning, but a panty liner seems to do the trick.  I also have to be a bit tactful about when I insert it - as he said, "otherwise it'll be like making love to one of those huge cream filled doughnuts..." BUT -

Already the symptoms of impending cystitis have pretty much gone, along with a couple of other problems I'd been aware of but hadn't attributed to the menopause!  From the first evening I used the Ovestin, I haven't had to get up in the middle of the night for a pee - something I'd pretty much resigned myself to - and when I do go, I go properly - none of the pathetic little dribbles I used to get sometimes after rushing to the loo convinced I was busting.  I guess my urethra must have been getting very sensitive without me knowing, although now I think about it, most of the discomfort was localised at the - er - output end.

So so far, so good! 

I hope those of you who haven't had so much success with the Ovestin cream won't feel that I'm being smug, but I just thought I'd post my experiences so far.  I'm quite surprised how many nagging little symptoms I'd had that were obviously down to dryness that I hadn't really taken a lot of notice of!



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #229 on: January 28, 2010, 10:27:12 PM »

I, for one, am delighted to share your experiences Deefor.  I also am on day 4 of Ovestin, but haven't yet been as lucky as you - not really noticed much effect yet.  Having said that, we did go for a 2 mile walk this afternoon and I was reasonably comfortable and not busting for the loo all the time.  Suffering for it a bit tonight (a bit sore & stingy), but mustn't be impatient  ;)

We need a 'like' or 'thanks' button or similar on here - no way to easily acknowledge a post which has made you laugh or been particularly helpful


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #230 on: January 28, 2010, 10:40:13 PM »

This is interesting. My constant bouts of cystitis symptoms following sex I've always put down to some sort of aggravation of the bladder. Like you Deefor I'd take a water sample along to the docs and many times there'd be no infection. Perhaps then it is to do just with the vaginal dryness, which I suffer from a lot. My doc gave me some non hormonal pesseries to help with lubrication (following a VERY painful cervical smear test) but they didn't seem to help at all. My doc won't put me on HRT but perhaps he'd agree to Ovestin or Vagifem - are they the same thing?
Pardon my ignorance! :-\


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #231 on: January 28, 2010, 11:45:42 PM »

Ovestin is only available as a cream I think   but Vagifem is in pessary form. They are very small and come ready loaded into individual applicators. You insert them as high into the vagina as you can and they stick to the wall where they are absorbed. I was prescribed vagifem after many bouts such as you describe. It worked very well for me

The list of side effects is a bit daunting but the dosage is far smaller than proper HRT and is considered much safer. The manufacturers of Vagifem have just changed the rules and you are allowed to take it continuously whereas, before, you used to have to have a break after so many months.

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #232 on: January 29, 2010, 09:10:46 AM »

Thanks Taz2, might translate that and take it along to my doc.

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #233 on: January 30, 2010, 05:35:04 AM »

Well today it was like stepping back 15 years
To that lovely Romantic Victorian hotel where Bobbles couldnt get in
Today it was on our KING EXTRA SIZE BED we tried and we tried eventually after I literaly grabbed hin
In we go to be met with sandpaper S a Brick it didnt pain but it hurt why last week easy peasy havent had this since 1995
Why has it returned Ive been to the loo today so far 8 times and wanted to go at least another 5 times
I drank the water maybe that was it (dont think so) I made an appt to go on Monday sex is the one thing that will make me go
Bobbles said  look Suzi Q oyu came off Ovestin and took nothing in its place If Id stopped taking MY BP pills youd have gone daft
Maybe the antis dried me up but Ive also had over the last 3 weeks or so hot flushes again but as I said last week wet as anything
 Im really fed up 12 weeks on Tuesday Paris got to get this sorted  imagine today in Paris id have been in and out of loos
I thought this vaginal dryness had gone well and truely even with the burning we could still make love?
Suzi Q


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #234 on: January 30, 2010, 08:51:06 AM »

Oh Suzi, what a pain for you in more ways than one!   I think now you've been this long off the Ovestin it has caught up with you and your bits and just dried out, shouldn't think it was the antibiotics :(   
I was told by urologist  that 8 times a day is the average amount you should be going to the loo, I go a lot more than that but I know my pelvic floor is not great.
Can't remember, have you ever tried Vagifem?  Or the old fashioned methods like Replens or Sylk?
Take care of yourself


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #235 on: January 30, 2010, 09:02:14 AM »

For SuziQ  :bighug:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #236 on: January 30, 2010, 10:09:57 AM »

Oh Suzi, hope you get some help off Gp on Monday, dont know why we have to suffer, for so long, with this meno... :hug:

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #237 on: January 30, 2010, 01:02:39 PM »

Its been fine tonight almost normal it eased off in the early evening
Bobbles thinks the same plus he also thinks its nerves he maybe right hes away again tomorrow for 7 days
It maybe that it is the fact ive taken nothing and the flushes have come back
Maybe my body is screaming out for hormones but HRT didnt stop the AV in fact while on the Ovestin it was 1000 times worse?
Im having a flush right now just come on in fact
Ive not tried vagifem I cant take HRT pills cos if the family history of heart attack nigh on 100% family memebers have had them
But I have to have something I think? Maybe another cream would help with the AV
Bobbles had a look today for me to see if it was red it was a bit but he said himself where the bottom bit if your fanny gone?>
He meant the inner labia its vanished in to the skin almost like it was never there except for a tiny line he was shocked
Finaly he beleived me that it was vanishing but buggar that at the moment Ive got to go chat see what I can do
Thanks for caring Suzi Q

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #238 on: January 30, 2010, 01:04:22 PM »

Thanks Terri Thanks Rose


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #239 on: January 30, 2010, 01:19:57 PM »

well might be worth thinking about Vagifem then Suzi.  Probably about the same amount of hormone as Ovestin but a different type I think.
take care
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