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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 900151 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #135 on: November 06, 2008, 08:15:32 AM »

I have been using Ovestin cream for 5 months. It was very effective at healing dry, bleeding tissue after a infection, but I am now wondering if the cream itself is irritating the urethra and causing  bladder/urethra sensitivity.

I am leaving it off for a few weeks to see. :-\


You posted this message a while ago now - but being in exactly the same situation myself now with the identical ceam I am also thinking that it may be the cream that is causing my urethra /bladder sensitivity. I am very sore down there and went to the loo last night 3 times!!  I have had tests for thrush and urine sample have allcome back with no infection.

My doctor advises me to still apply the cream as she thinks that it was the dryness that caused this flare up after sex in the first place - but I am desperate now to stop being so uncomfortable (have had it 5 weeks now and finding it unbearable) - did you find that stopping the cream for a while helped?  Thanks


mimi la chance

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #136 on: November 21, 2008, 12:14:36 PM »

Hi everybody *Waves

Have been reading this forum for a while and just registered.

Can't believe that I'm about to discuss with strangers something that I can't even broach with my best friend...

I consider myself quite body aware and used to be a nurse, but I was really flummoxed when the menopause hit with a bang, literally overnight at age 45
One day all normal, the next day 20 hot flushes on 90 minutes (I counted!)

For family health reasons I decided not to go on systemic HRT and see how i coped.

Five years on and hot flushes are manageable, but the dryness....

OH and i dont really have much sex. TBH it always been me who is much keener than him, but we actually have a very warm and loving relationship (with the very occasional bit of bedroom action)

I really didn't register the first couple of times that the dryness was a meno prob, just thought that I maybe wasn't as much in the mood as I thought.

Tried external lube then upgraded to internal (Feminee - not bad but actually provides so much lube that you feel like you're sloshing around :o)

no problem with itching or infections, but do find dryness causes a bit of discomfort outside the bedroom too.


Thanks to all your great info on here, I thought I would take myself to GP and chat about Vagifem, and came home with a couple of months supply.

Popped the first one last night (how wasteful is that packaging? :-\)

So I have two questions...

How long do I wait to see any benefit? Don't want to rush in before everything is ready.... That would only put us both for another 6 months!

Anybody's else OH worried about putting their willy into an environment with topical osetrogen hanging around? Bless him, he's convinced that using moisturiser could turn him into a woman.... I know he'll worry that he'll absorb some of my Vagifem and we'll end up as two girls together!

Wow: great to get that off my chest!

Be gentle with this poor frustrated newbie



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #137 on: November 21, 2008, 12:25:58 PM »

Hi Mimi

Welcome to the forum from me :welcomemm:

I don't suffer with vaginal dryness myself so I'm no help to you there. One of the other ladies will soon be along to give you some advice. No need to be embarrassed by the way....we discuss a multitude of topics here and even have a few laughs along the way ;D

Luv Jax x  :worm:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #138 on: November 21, 2008, 12:49:23 PM »

Hi Mimi
and welcome  :)
I use Ovestin cream with an applicator for vaginal dryness. However I admit to pushing dh out of bed for a quick wash after any action just to be on the safe side.I did read that otherwise exposure to topical oestrogens could cause a guy to develop boobs. In my case the cream started to work very quickly and I noticed the difference within about five days.
     Jacksfullofaces xx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #139 on: January 21, 2009, 09:44:24 PM »

Been reading this long thread and I feel so much happier.  I have been in pain with vaginal dryness for a while now but this last week has got really bad.  Have had a urine test and vaginal swab as I thought it might be urine infection/thrush.  Both came back negative so doc prescribed me an oestrogen cream.  Just taken first dose and hope it works really soon as the pain and general discomfort are really getting me down.  Was made redundant on Monday which hasn't helped the stress levels!  Cant take full HRT as had a DVT last year so hope this cream does the trick.  As always the help and advice on these pages and the feeling of not being alone in having the problem has made me feel better about the world.  xx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #140 on: January 27, 2009, 04:48:02 PM »

Hi every1

I found this forum by fluke and am absolutely delighted that so many other people share similar problems as me.  I am 50 and my last period was beg June last year, previous to that it was April.  I have been suffering with hot flushes for more years than I care to remember but they have really increased during the past few months.  I have tried loads of natural remedies and they all seem to work until my body gets used to them, then I'm back to where I started.

It is such a relief (of sorts) to read that all my ailments ie flushes, weight gain, lethargy, joint pain & sore dry vagina area can be attributed to the dreaded meno.

I also found out a couple of years ago that I have an intollerance to wheat and tomatoes, causing migraine.  I was convinced (until finding this forum) that the soreness and dryness down below which I am also suffering from, was caused by eating tomatoes as I don't have these symptoms all the time and have been trying out tomatoes again lately, to no avail... as I have been struck with a migraine today.  I have now decided that my soreness isn't due to my intollerance or to my OH (as he's often had the blame).

I am so tempted to go to my GP (I was on my way today until the migraine hit) but my problem is that we have been living in Italy for the past 2 years and although my Italian is OKish I'm not sure I would be able to get these remedies here?  Would like to have a try at Vagifem if I can get hold of any.

Does meno affect migraine does any1 know as I haven't had one for over 2 years but have had 3 (counting today's strike) since Dec.

I would like to add that I used to be a constant sufferrer of cystitis but since 1991 have been taking cranberry juice and that was the end of it... until now as none of the supermarkets sell cranberry juice here in Italy, so I have to made do with the capsules which are not as efficient.

Feeling very fed up & looking forward to a few replies.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #141 on: January 27, 2009, 10:22:02 PM »

Hi Carts

Wow, its a tough call to be suffering vaginal dryness and then have to explain that in Italian!  I think you are going to have to try and get hold of something to help relieve the symptoms.  Go to the docs (take a dictionary) and ask for Vagifem.  Its a known brand so maybe you'll be able to get hold of it or the Italian equivalent.  Let us know how you get on .... x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #142 on: February 10, 2009, 12:39:48 PM »

oo do you think its like scotsmen and their kilts ::)
I am new to this page. read everything cryed at some of them know the feelings well, have suffered all of them at various times over the last five years. Nobody has mentioned the itching that accompanys this problem. I am totally red raw inside and sometimes outside. I have used everything you mention sometimes it works sometimes, but more often than not it dosent.  But the itching keeps me awake or wakes me up, It can be anywhere on my body but it is usually localized, and when I have used the vagifem I get totally wet through. my dr thinks this is urine but its not, and I have no infection or awful smells, but because I am so wet I get sore and there goes the itching again. I cant even wipe myself comfortably. It's driving me crazy. Plus I feel that no matter who I see Dr or Speciallist it's a waste of time. :'(
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 12:51:57 PM by rik »


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #143 on: February 10, 2009, 12:45:11 PM »

Hi Codge and welcome.  I am glad you are realising that you are not alone - plenty of us here coping with similar symptoms. 

I dont have experience of the itching, but I remember the first time I went to a health shop to ask about meno and supplements, one of the things that was mentioned was the dryness that can develop through the body at meno time - it could be dry eyes, dry skin, or as you are suffering with internal dryness!!  The person I spoke to in the shop recommended Omega 7, which I have heard several of the other ladies on here mention.  The itching is often caused because the skin/tissues are drying out.  It may be worth a try.  In the meantime, I am sure someone with the same experience as you will come along and offer more advise.

Love Yogini xxxxxxxxxxx
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 12:52:08 PM by rik »


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #144 on: February 11, 2009, 01:05:08 PM »

Hello again thank you for your reply. I would like to tell you about my experience's of not been taken seriously, I have been suffering for 5 years, it started on my 50th birthday with hot flushes, no problem, just put up with it, then it got a lot worse could'nt sleep, and the heat under my boobs was at furnace temperatures. Then I started to feel a real stinging sensation every time I moved, I was working away at the time so visited a VD clinic, and just by chance a lady Dr heard my conversation she suggested that it was psorasis so off I went, with my cream. But I had actually ripped the skin on my outer lips, It took years litterally to heal. Every three mths I came home to my own Gp, and she sent me to a specialist, he took me in and did a biopsy nothing wrong with my come back in a year, I had smear tests internals the lot, nothing showed, then I wouldent let anyone anywhere near me. I can't tell you how many Dr's I have seen, I gve up the job eventually, now I just see the one Dr. and when I go to the hospital I still have to see who ever is on duty not the specalist I was refered to, and I am not been funny but they only seem to guess at the problem. I have found many creams lotions and potions that have helped for a short time, and some times I wonder if certain foods, or time of the month affect how sore I am, I am on HRT, and I use vagifem and replens and ovestin.
Over the last five years I have probably had intercourse about 5 times, and even then I have bleed afterwards every time. My husband is very long suffering, but he hates to touch me incase he hurts me more. Fortunately we do still have a sex life, and we are a happy couple I dread to think what would have happened had I been with a different man.  I still keep going to the Dr. but hold out no hope of ever feeling comfortable again, plus Ifind it really difficult not to be iching all the time. MY only saving grace is that I will never allow my self to get depressed, I probably feel that if I did I would never get over it. So I will go of for another good cry now and try to forget all about it again. thanks for been there and letting my rant on xxxxx :thankyou:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #145 on: February 11, 2009, 02:28:02 PM »

Hi codge - you poor thing :hug: Your last five years have been horrendous.

I have had vaginal dryness for eight months but mainly on the inside, so that I feel sensitive, and sometimes burning in my abdomen. I haven't had much itching on the outside.

You said that Vagifem made you really wet. One of the other girls had the same thing - I remember reading about it. Might be worth talking to her and see if she's found any other solutions.

I'm using OVestin, which is helping a bit but certainly not curing it. I'm now trying alternative therapies - homeopathy etc. and I'm taking all sorts of supplements, including Omega 7. I haven't been taking them long enough to be certain if they're helping yet.

One thing I've noticed is that my symptoms get a lot easier when I am busy or talking to friends or asleep. I think that stress hormones and anxiety play a part in my symptoms at least so I am trying to relax, walk a lot, stay busy and I'm going to Tai Chi classes too, which I am sure will help.

Keep posting here, especially if you are having a bad day. You'll get lots of sympathy, advice and hugs here.  :)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #146 on: February 11, 2009, 03:13:43 PM »

Hi Codge - sorry to hear about your tough time at the minute. Could you be allergic to the Replens - I know I can't use it - made me burn like crazy.

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #147 on: February 11, 2009, 06:57:32 PM »

Hi Codge

I suffer from Vaginal dryness also which seems to affect my bladder as well (very annoying  >:(
I am so sensitive down there, Replens and KY cream also makes me sting like mad. 

I also noticed that in the past year or so (I'm 52) filling up with petrol aggravates my neck - the petrol fumes seem to sting and burn like mad  :o   If I were to mention this to a doctor along with other strange symptoms I get - they would probably think I was mad - some days I think I am !!!  ;D

Fi - I am waiting to see if you find any relief with your alternative therapies (I'm so keeping my fingers crossed for you)  :)

I believe that there are quite a few ladies experiencing vaginal problems, perhaps one of us may come up with something.
Rebecca  x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #148 on: February 11, 2009, 07:17:40 PM »

Fi - I am waiting to see if you find any relief with your alternative therapies (I'm so keeping my fingers crossed for you

Hi rebecca  :) I certainly am trying all sorts of things. I think some of them might be having an effect, though I'm having a bad day today.

I've given up on the magnet. I probably didn't give it long enough - nearly a month - but I got fed up wearing it, frankly, and I suspect it probably doesn't help vaginal dryness much. It seems to be best for joint pain.

I think the homeopathy might be working (which is a big surprise!) I don't think it's working on my actual problem yet but the homeopath tells me that it works with your whole system and so it will probably take some time yet before I can be sure if it really is helping or not.

I'm continuing to take the supplements - no idea if they are doing anything.

I guess I won't know if anything has helped until I stop the Ovestin. I'm nervous to give it up, yet it certainly hasn't fixed me. I am down to two or three doses a week but I wasn't symptom-free even when I was applying it every day.

To be honest, staying calm, relaxed and busy seems to have the best effect on my symptoms  ::) but of course it isn't always easy to stay calm...


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #149 on: February 12, 2009, 05:00:35 PM »

I'm just back from the doctors and I have to admit that I am a bit downhearted.

My very nice young GP registrar, who prescribed Ovestin for me, had asked me to come back in a month to see how things were going, so I duly went back today. An uneventful appointment except that the doctor, who knew very little (if anything) about vaginal atrophy the last time I was there, had apparently been reading up because she said, very sympathetically, that a cure was unlikely and that the best we were looking at was to manage the symptoms as best we could.  :(

I was having a bad day anyway and this didn't help. I'd read this kind of thing myself when I first found out that I had it so it wasn't news but still...

I have an appointment with the gynaecologist next month so I am hoping to get a definitive medical answer to this prognosis (unless Heather would like to give an opinion here?) but it is very depressing news. I'm only 50 and it's hard to think that I could be stuck with this for life now.

There must be older women out there who have gone through this. We can't be the first generation to suffer from oestrogen deficiency. Did they all suffer in silence for the rest of their lives?

What gets me is that this is the invisible menopausal symptom. No-one talks about it. It's rarely mentioned in the lists of symptoms in books and magazines (apart from on this excellent website of course). And yet, unlike the transition symptoms, there is no end to it. Once you've got it you are apparently stuck with it. Why is no-one talking about this thing? It can't surely just be because it's in an embarrassing part of the body.

If it really is the case that once you have this affliction, you have it for life, then there needs to be a support group, where we can exchange tips for managing the symptoms and offer hugs, because it is going to be with you for a long, long time. I am 50 so could be living with this daily irritation for 30 years. Don't fancy it much at the moment. :'(

I don't want to upset anyone else who's got vaginal atrophy or dryness so I'll end on a positive note. I've been living with this for about eight months now and I did have a very good week last week, where I felt almost normal and actually forgot about it for hours at a time.  So there can be good times as well as bad.  :) ANd I am also still hopeful that some of the alternative therapies that I am trying might produce good results. It ain't all bad girls - we will survive this. :ola:
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