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Author Topic: New Member - desperate  (Read 17308 times)


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2012, 11:40:05 AM »

Hi Delilah,
There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel.
I have experienced what you are going through and am now trying a different hrt, which so far,has made me feel like my normal self.
So hang on in there.Sometimes it can take trying different things, for some, not all and you have to give it time to work.
Hard I know.
All the Best and welcome to the forum!
Dyan X


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2012, 11:56:05 AM »

Hi Delilah

So very sorry to hear of your rotten experiences. Although I've not had that particular HRT the feeling really ill and panicky is very familiar - and I promise you you can survive it and it will get better.

Sounds as though you feel very pressured, sadly there is no magic wand to make us all feel better (I wish!) we all just have to work through the options and (worst bit) give it time to work. I think the waiting is actually the worst bit as we all hope these rotten symtoms will pass quickly.

The news of grandchildren is very exciting (I have 2 little ones) but you sound as though you are adding pressure to yourself. I am sure your daughter thinks you are the best mum in the world and she would not want you to feel such additional pressure  on her behalf.

Be kind to yourself and try to find a way to relax from all the pressures you see around you, making time for yourself is not selfish - keep posting so we can all support you. Keep seeing your doctor so you can discuss how you feel. I have just started a new HRT and signs are good at the moment (I am trying not to get too excited just in case!) so you see things can get better and others on this site can reassure you too.

lots of hugs sue



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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2012, 12:45:04 PM »

Oh thank you all so much, I'm sitting here crying reading your supportive replies.  Its hard to believe that you're going to feel any better when your stuck in the middle of it and I'm not the most patient person when it comes to feeling unwell.
Sorry to ask yet more questions but i've switched to the Femoston 2/10 now and am wondering if switching from one HRT to another causes any problems.  Also what do I look out for with progesterone withdrawal just in case thats whats causing these blips?

Northernlass - I'm afraid the pressure is probably of my own making.  Hubby and children have all been wonderful and constantly telling me not to worry and that they can cope but I just want to get back to normal and do all the things that I've always done.  I know I should stop trying to manage when I cant but its what keeps me going - the thought of getting my life back! I'm not working at the moment, I just couldn't cope with night shifts and early mornings, so thankfully we can manage without my financial input but it does give me more time to dwell on things and believe me I'm very good at dwelling!

I hope all works well for you on your new HRT, please let me know how you get on and how long it takes for you to feel that this new one works for you.  I'm not sure how long I should give it before I should be expecting to see long term lasting results.  How long would you say to give a new HRT before deciding if its working or not? Sorry if I'm rambling, my thoughts are all over the place, I probably shouldn't post on here until I'm a bit calmer.

Dyan - Thank you so much for your support also, which HRT are you now trying and how long would you say it took before you felt it worked for you?  Its hard to think you could be waiting months to see if something works only to have to change to a different product  and start all over again.

Bette and darklady - thank you so much also, just knowing others have been in exactly the same position (sadly) helps to keep me going.  Right now a year seems such a long time though.  I feel like I'm wishing my life away just to get back to normal.

I'm so sorry this isn't a very positive post, I hope I'm not worrying others with all this negativity.  I hope to look back at this and wonder who this woman was.  :-\

Thanks so much everyone.
Delilah x


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2012, 12:49:53 PM »

Hi Delilah

Sorry to hear of your terrible experiences. Although I've not had that particular HRT I've had the feeling really ill, awful hot flushes and feeling panicky and out of control.

I got to the point when really all I wanted to do was to crawl away and end it all. I felt that over the last 2 years or so I'd aged about 10 and felt a complete and utter waste of space.

I just kept on and on at my doctor who is dead against HRT and kept giving me non hormonal treatment (none of which worked). Eventually he gave in and I've been on Kliogest for 6 months now. First of all the hot flushes starting easing off, what a relief, just to feel a bit normal again! The other symptoms are slower to leave such as feeling "out of control" emotionally etc. but things are getting better I'm sure, just very slowly.

When I think of how my poor Mum suffered for 40 years, she was never offered HRT. I think we're lucky that help is out there for us. It just takes a while to find the right type.

You can survive it and it will get better!

 :hug: :bighug:



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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2012, 01:07:16 PM »

Thank you annifanny
I empathise completely with the crawling away, so glad that you are past that and starting to feel better.  The physical symptoms for me haven't been so bad, its the emotions and anxiety that are really pulling me down.  My mother in law also went through it with no help at all, I just cant imagine how she coped.  I dont think I'd be here now if I didn't think that there is help and the support from my wonderful family and ladies on here.

Please let me know how you get on, take care.
Delilah x


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2012, 02:16:52 PM »

Hello Allibongo, meno is the pitts isnt it. Youll get lots of help here x
hi jj

your right meno is the pitts, oh the joys of being a woman  ;)


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2012, 06:57:42 PM »

Delilah, they suggest trying each new type of hRT for 3 months. When I changed to Femoston recently, I felt "ok" during those 3 months but not as good as I had on my previous HRT (but nowhere near as bad as pre-HRT!) Things improved gradually and now, in my 6th month, I feel as good as before I changed.
Bette x


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2012, 07:44:51 PM »

Its really sad there are so many of us having a rough time of it, i wonder how many ladies are suffering without any help at all :(

I think when your feeling really really down with the symptoms it helps to read members posts (who have been on this site for a number of years) and you can see the progress that they have made, you are more than likely able to find someone who has same symptoms as you and same treatment that you may be trying.  :)


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2012, 09:03:16 PM »

Hi Delilah

I had a sneaky suspicion you were the source of your pressure but didn't like to say so. I went through the same thing and ended up very ill indeed until I listened to my lovely husband and family. So let go of your need to rush around and organise - your family love you for more than that and will continue to love you no matter what. So take your foot off the pressure peddle and try to learn what makes you more relaxed - it varies in all of us - I myself do not favour pounding away at the gym as stress release but each to their own ;D

I have been told by my doctor I need to really try HRT for 3 months before I can say if it really is right for me. My own worry is that I'll start to bleed again, I finished my periods in 2004 and had HRT in 2005 that thickened the lining of my womb which is not good. It's taken me ages to go back and try again and I'm kicking myself for what now appears to be a martyr complex. ::)

Hang on in there Delilah, post as often as you need to, there always appears to be a lovely lady on alert to help out. I bless the day I found this site.

hugs and hankies

sue x


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2012, 10:05:34 PM »

Hello Allibongo, meno is the pitts isnt it. Youll get lots of help here x

hi jj

your not joking, sick of feeling sick all the time and the anxiety is horrid, have been felling better reading everyones posts, elps knowing i'm not alone and i came come on to the forum to speak to woman suffering the same menopause hell

alibongo   :foryou:


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2012, 10:13:51 PM »

Hi Alibongo,

Welcome to the site.  Are you on any HRT at the moment?  I hope you get as much help and laughter from this site as I do.  Tx

hi yebony

thanks for your reply, im not on hrt at the moment but going back to dr to see if he will finally give it to me, great website with lots of :thankyou: lovely ladies to chat to and we have all got one thing in common the bloody menopause ahhh lol


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2012, 06:21:14 PM »

Hi Northernlass,

I'm so sorry for not replying straight away, I've had a terrible few days and just couldn't face anything, sometimes reading about all the different symptoms that can happen with menopause frightens me to death.  I think swapping to the new HRT has caused one of those 'blips' and I've felt almost as bad as I did before starting anything.  Just been reading about internal tremors, which I'm also experiencing again and thought I'd seen the last of!  Someone suggested holding your breath then slowly letting it out as a help and believe it or not its working, tremors in my left side and down my arm seem to ease.  At least its another symptom that definitely appears to be common to meno :o

My gosh Sue you've been going through all this for a long time haven't you or am I being naive and hoping its going to be over quicker than I think?
This is whats so worrying and what I find difficult to accept that this might be how my life is going to be for a very long time, frightens the living daylights out of me to be honest.  Hope you're having a good day today.

Take care
Delilah x


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Re: New Member - desperate
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2012, 06:59:34 PM »

Hi Delilah

I could go on and on about these horid symptoms. I never new the meno would be as bad as this.....

I could cope with some symptoms like hot flushes but the anxiety, and adrenalyn rush in the middle of the night for me was the worst.

I would wake sweating, hot dred feeling in my tummy and had compulsive thoughts. I really thought I was going to be sectioned.

I have suffered for 3 years but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel..... thank goodness. Have tried many HRT preps but feel its starting to settle I am 53 next week and I was thinking today about symptoms started around the age of 48. Too scared to try to reduce my HRT though.

Good luck



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« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2014, 07:19:33 PM »

Hi delilah,

Im new to the site and was reading 1 of your posts and it said you had breathing
problems,was wondering if you still had them and how you got through it.Ive been
having breathing problems too and like you ive had xrays and bloods and they say
they are normal.Im finding this horrendous to deal with and just wondered if yours
was put down to the menopause.Any advice you could give would be great.
Lorraine x
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