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Author Topic: Confused need advice please!  (Read 4701 times)


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Confused need advice please!
« on: May 08, 2013, 03:31:53 PM »

I am new here, introduced myself over in the hello boards there. I am having a mental problem and its just leading me to tears and more tears......

I was diagnosed with premature menopause April 26th. My FSH levels were 47 and my Estrogen was 15. However I also had my lipid panels pulled and there were really really bad!

Cholesterol 264 (High)
HDL 34 (low)
LDL 183 (High)
VLDL 47 (High)
Trig 234 (High)
Glucose 97 (normal/higher range)

Well my gynie isnt gonna do HRT until I have more blood work in Oct. She said she has to check levels again before she can prescribe anything. But she sent my to my GP for the lipids. Well My BP is higher than it has ever been and I voiced my concerns over it because I do run daily. I was worried I would induce a stroke or heart attack if I got my heart beating to fast but I didnt want to slow what I do running wise either because it makes me feel good and helps with the weight. So he prescribed Losartan to me to help with that. He also wants to give me Lipitor for the cholestrol. However I DONT WANT A STATIN!! Not at my age. I am only 38! I know that long term use leads to possible liver failure. He gave me the script anyways but said he thinks its the low estrogen that caused the jump in everything to ask about HRT from my gynie since I am under care of her for the premature menopause.

From researching I know that with premature menopause its the best idea to go on HRT until an age of which I should of reached menopause to begin with. At first I didnt mind waiting until Oct's bloodwork to do a double check of things. But now with my lipids being so high I am scared to death!!! I keep thinking I can wait til Oct its just a few months away.....I have gone this long with low estrogen and high cholesterol.....but then I think OMG if I wait and cause a heart attack or something that will leave my kids without a mom.....and I just keep freaking myself out! I just dont know how all this happened!!! I was healthy!!! Then blood tests show I am not!!!! Now I have to sit here and research HRT, and Statins, and all this stuff so that I can get on with living my life. I think I am overwhelmed!

Anyway I am thinking I am going to email my gynie and tell her all this and see if she will start me on low dose HRT anyway, just to see if I can fix all this. I dont want the statin and I am hoping by maybe natural methods I can reduce the levels with added hormones that I need. Am I crazy to think that its possible or is it a "once its done its done" type thing to bring in HRT to see if that lowers the lipids? Or should I start the statin because of those numbers? Or since I have gone so long with those numbers (lipid and hormone) should I just wait out the next few months? I am just soooooooooo lost at the moment. Gynie says talk to GP, GP says talk to gynie and I am stuck in the middle bawling my eyes out without knowing which way to turn! I am sorry if I seem like a big baby, but this is all new to me, and I dont have anyone in this situation to turn to and say what did you do!


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Re: Confused need advice please!
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 04:35:26 PM »

Take the statins. You may not have to be on them for that long. My sister took them for 6 months and in that time changed her diet and then was allowed to go it alone with monitoring. Some people just have a genetic propensity to high cholesterol. It may be something you have to accept but at least get it under control now.

Get in touch with you gynae and ask them to bring your blood tests forward. You said you were due tests in July.....that's not too long to wait.

At least if you ask the questions you may feel as if you are taking control of things.



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Re: Confused need advice please!
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 04:49:44 PM »

Thank you!! You know thats true, I wont have to take them for the rest of my life. I can come off them if I can improve things. I know it is a family thing, my dad alone had 4 heart attacks, 1 stroke and now has diabetes. So I must of gotten the bulk of his genes...yeah me! lol! Alot of it is I have never had to take a script before other than pain pill after surgery type thing. Now I a few and its like WhAt!  :o

You know a month ago I was 38 but felt 21! Today I am 38 but feel like I am 80! I think this is all the worst part. I know I am still the same person I was a month ago, and I know that once this all settles and I come to terms and get all this worked out I will be that person again.....its just the middle of point a and b that is hard!!

I did email my gynie, I am just waiting on her reply. Hopefully I will hear something soon!!


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Re: Confused need advice please!
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2013, 07:28:01 PM »

Ok so gynie's reply was in a nutshell: Take the statin, no HRT, see you in Oct.