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Author Topic: Utrogestan  (Read 121600 times)


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #60 on: January 07, 2012, 08:46:21 PM »

I think I spoke to soon because now have a migraine - headache not too bad with Ibuprofen, but all the other things I usually get with it - total exhaustion and nausea, and wakes me in the night until it goes after 2-3 days

Might have been the two glasses of port on 12th night Thurs - which was about Day 4 of the Utro. I was so used to having a few celebratory drinks over Xmas - and this is fine when I am on the oestro alone (after the prog has gone). So thought it would be OK. Will have to try again next time with the Utro and completely avoid alcohol to see if I really am OK on it or not, and will serve me right if I get a withdrawal migraine next w/e after I stop them although I didn't last time.  :(

Reading another post I was seriously considering going against all I believe, giving up all of this and trying Tibolone esp because of the libido, but reading there is defo an increased chance of endo cancer with it, according to the product details so maybe not - sorry that's off topic...

Hope you are feeling better now Rivadan - it's a right pain all of this, and I'm totally fed up too (but maybe my fault...)

Hurdity x

coffee mate

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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #61 on: January 08, 2012, 11:08:52 AM »

Hi LD! I'm doing OK on them thanks. About 5 more and I'll be through my first course without any blips. Long may it continue!

What are you going to do about Utro? Are you still going to give them a try? 

cm xx


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #62 on: January 08, 2012, 12:36:42 PM »

Since I last posted I've spent 24 hrs nursing a blinding headache and being sick (this is after only 4 days of Utro which I stopped abruptly) but today I've started a withdrawal bleed. I'm glad about this at least as it will round this episode off neatly!

My overriding feeling this weekend has been "what are you doing to your poor old bod?" Definitely time to give it a rest for a while I think.


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2012, 01:52:10 PM »

 :bighug: Rivadan.
Bette x


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #64 on: January 08, 2012, 06:37:51 PM »

Rivadan, sending sympathies - how awful, I know the feeling well.  Hope it passes and you feel better soon.  Maybe the Utro 'cumulative' effect happened quickly on month 2 of use (it took about 6 for me).  Cold turkey may be what your body needs, for a while anyway. 

Hurdity, sorry to read about the headache - maybe it was the port, possibly upsetting your liver combined with the Utro.  So difficult to fathom what the body is up to, isn't it.  Guess by month 3 use you'll know if it suits or not.

[Tibolone - thought about that a last year, the clinic put me off it though, said it wouldn't suit as I'm so med sensitive, and it's supposedly androgenic.]

Good luck to those with continuing the Utro.




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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #65 on: January 15, 2012, 09:39:37 PM »

I'm sorry to hear everyone struggling with Utrogestan. I took this for a year, juggled between 100mgs and 200mgs, with docs consent, also with 1mg estrogen and 2mgs, worked very well although i did have one breakthrough bleed because of the inconsistency but generally light bleeds with no side effects, until i noticed bad breath when taking utrogestan. I took them at night and never noticed any sleepyness and i'm pretty sleepy most of the time.
I now take Femoston 2/10 and have to say it is Amazing. No unwanted symptoms at all. Shhh, better not speak to soon.
Eddie. x

coffee mate

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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #66 on: January 16, 2012, 09:43:22 AM »

Really interesting Eddie about the bad breathe thing with the Utro.
I have noticed a really nasty taste in my mouth since starting them, but I put it down to my patches or my new turbohaler.
I do hope it's not the utro though because I'm doing OK with them and I was beginning to think that I would never find a progesterone that would suit me....


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #67 on: January 16, 2012, 10:39:14 AM »

Definitely remember the Dog Breath on Utro - when taken tablet or vag route.  No amount of mouth wash would take it away.  Maybe it's some sort of effect it has on the liver, who knows.



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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #68 on: January 16, 2012, 11:51:13 AM »

Even used vag, prog still gets into the blood stream and ends up being filtered by the liver, to a lesser extent than oral though.  Am only guessing that there may be a connection with the breath thing.  I knew I had dog breath, had the awful taste too.

Sorry to hear about your horrid migraine, J, it's so disconcerting when it happens, knocks me off my perch for days.  Hope you feel better soon.  Are you still on alternate nights 100 Utro, no break?


coffee mate

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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2012, 12:38:00 PM »

How dissapointing Night_Owl re- the bad breathe.  I knew there would have to be a catch.  :(


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #70 on: January 16, 2012, 12:41:15 PM »

    for everyone who is on utrogestan I have great sympathy, thank goodness I don't have to take it now cos I have had a hysterectomy but I do remember it well and not in a good way. Hope you all get some relief soon. xx


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #71 on: January 16, 2012, 12:45:16 PM »

Doesn't seem to happen for me on vag route - as not so much prog gets absorbed - unless there is something hubby isn't telling me......  ;D

Also yay!!!!! Again did not get a migraine on withdrawal from prog - just in the middle. Now having a bleed - noticeable and mild cramps but not too heavy ( so that's 6 weeks without prog and 12 days Utro). Next time round absolutely no alcohol  :( and see if no migraine at all.....

So sorry to hear about migraines Rivadan and jaycee - what rotten luck. This is why I have decided on a bleed because it can be unpredictable and wouldn;t want to give up alcohol for ever!

Just another thing - as I'm not really used to periods having previously stopped sequi HRT just over a year ago and they were almost non-existent then. It's odd having to deal with VA products and tampons at the same time. Er what do you do - stick up the pessary ( for the VA) and then a tampon? I use Orthgynest which is very oozy... Might change to Vagifem next prescrip.

Eddie why did you stop using the utrogestan in the end?

Hurdity x :)


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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #72 on: January 16, 2012, 12:53:42 PM »

Thanks Paisley, Utro can be a bad experience for some.  I'm back to Cyclogest 400 pessaries x 11, 6 weekly, not great by any means.  May be joining the hyster club later this year.

I don't seem to get the dog breath / rotten cabbage taste on Cyclo - also don't recall getting it on any of the other progs - been through quite a few now, synthetic and natural - just got all the other ghastly side effects. 

CM, we're all different (I'm particularly medication sensitive) - the taste thing may pass for you.

Good grief - we all need STRENGTH to take this flipping toxic prog.




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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #73 on: January 16, 2012, 01:20:13 PM »

That's good news, Hurdity, only the one migraine instead of two ... we have to be grateful for these things(!).

I use Vagifem 25 which are tiny and not mushy - during a (heavy) bleed I delay taking it by a day or two so it's not at the full-on flow stage (assume it would just drop out?). 

Prefer not to use tampons these days though, use Always, such a great range of sizes.  I get fed up sometimes with having to insert so many different things into my poor vag, ie. vag prog, then VF, sometimes Canesten, or probiotics for thrush, vitamin e capsules if feeling dry, then tampons - hence Always. 

Mind you, always thought meno meant NO MORE use of sanitary items, grrr. 

Having said that, I have used VF during a bleed (sometimes they are a bit lighter, for whatever reason, I know not).  Ortho then tampon should be okay, at least keeps it in for a while!

Have you noticed any change / improvement yet, Hurd, vag or bladder with the Ortho?

« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 01:26:53 PM by Night_Owl »

coffee mate

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Re: Utrogestan
« Reply #74 on: January 16, 2012, 01:55:27 PM »

Hope so Night_Owl. I don't think my OH would have the courage to tell me my breathe smells bad...not these days anyway  ;D 
May have to bite the bullet and just ask him straight. If he puts on his body armour before he gives me his answer, that will give me a clue.  :-\   :D

cm xx
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