Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause

Symptoms returning 5 weeks into hrt


I was put onto Everol Conti patches 5 weeks ago. For the last 3 weeks I've been feeling better with the occasional flush but none of my other symptoms. Yesterday while out walking I started to feel like I was having palpitations and that "out of body" experience again. Feel quite drained today. This is partly what was happening before it was confirmed I was post menopause.

I've to update my GP shortly anyway but wanted to ask if anyone else has this sort of thing happen and also could it be that need something stronger? Not sure what dosage I'm on as it doesn't say on the pack 🤷 Thank you

Somewhere on the product it should tell U which dosage or in the leaf let in the Box?   Some require a hike occasionally 5 weeks is early days.

Were you hydrated enough, had you eaten B4 your walk?  Add lack of energy to hormone upheavals ...... which symptom did U want to ease B4 you began HRT?  When was your last monthly period?

Let us know how you get on.

Yes I'd had breakfast before I went out. I'm eating and drinking normally. I had several symptoms before GP did blood tests. I'm 48, been on cerazette for 14 years and not had a period most of that time, hence the blood tests which showed I'm post menopause. I was/am experiencing fatigue, brain fog, flushes, feeling "zoned out", anxiety increased.

I know it can take a while for the full effects of the patches to kick in. Just felt better the last couple of weeks and found it strange to be feeling tiredness/palpitations hit again

I do wonder whether a blood test is exact science ..........

Thyroid and low vitD levels can cause similar symptoms.  As the other feelings, many complain of anxiety surges too  >:(.  I was advised to eat every 3 hours to keep energy levels even as a sudden dip may cause anxiety surges.

It's possible it's your own cycle. Hrt doesn't stop it in the way bcp does and at 48 it's more likely you're not post meno. I don't think the blood test is totally reliable anyway but I thought if you're on a bcp it's meaningless? I think you need to give it the 3 months to let it settle and see how you feel then.


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