Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause

153 pm/ol

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Had my Oestrogen blood test.
Results: 153 pm/ol
I'm taking 0 5 Sandrina Gel.

 However, I know that my main problem (I think?) is the level and "type" of Progesterone:
Which is: Natural Progesterone cream - supposedly the ratio of this cream is the amount I take.

I have an appointment nxt week with the Menopause Nurse (NHS).

I want to carry on with the Sandrina gel ( I think because it's bio- identical)
The problem is the Progesterone: I can't tolerate Ustrogestron at all.
Therefore I may have to go on a combined HRT?

I am very sensitive: My Allergen levels are extremely high - hence, favouring bio-identical hrt.

Regards to you all 

Is a mirena IUS an option for you?

That is such a low dose of estrogen and low plasma level however that SOME private specialists would sanction using that unopposed, provided you had regular scans to monitor your uterine lining.

Essentially you are doing that now as progesterone is not significantly absorbed through the skin.

The NHS would not generally support this.

Thankyou for your reply.
I'm 64 and had the Mirena Coil fitted approximately 20 yrs ago. Do you think I have inserted again?

Your right  - the NHS Do not sanction (my) Progesterone/Oestrogen application - that's why I have app with Menopause Nurse.

I've never heard that Progesterone gel/cream cannot be absorbed though the skin  -  but it does make sense with my results.

Kind regards

Yes you could absolutely get another mirena IUS.

If it's suited you in the past it could be your best option now.

It also provides strong enough endometrial protection that you could increase your estrogen if you need to.


--- Quote from: Booblet on July 25, 2024, 12:57:59 PM ---I've never heard that Progesterone gel/cream cannot be absorbed though the skin 

--- End quote ---
Absorption rate is 20%. Plus skin cells are able to keep some amount of progesterone until the body decides to use it.


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