General Discussion > New Members



Molly Malone:
Hi, everybody! New member. Am 62 and just started Estradiol as have VA and some bleeding which, luckily, has stopped now. I've also heard of Kegel8 Miracle Balm to use with the pessaries. Is this a good idea or are just the pessaries enough (take 4 months to work??) Once you feel better on the Estradiol should you carry on inserting forever, as it were? I'd rather not be on it till the end of time!! (cancer link??) I had an ok menopause, in actual fact, as it was masked by thyroid probs but am only really experiencing the VA (or whatever the new name for it is!!) now. THANKS for any/all advice! :D

As far as I'm aware if you stop the estrogen pessaries your va will come back unfortunately.

Hi Molly Malone


As per violet Aquarius - once you start vaginal oestrogen it needs to be taken forever otherwise the tissues become de-oestrogenised and VA returns.

There is no known cancer risk from vaginal oestrogen.

Most of us are happily taking it until the end of time, and some of us, as a result of updated guidelines, also intend taking full ( systemic) HRT until the end of time, barring cotra-indications!

Hope this reassures.

I can't comment on the balm but I would use proprietary moisturisers along with the vaigfem/vagirux ( I presume it is one of these?). Others can advise as I dont use them/ Maybe start a new post in the main "All Things Menopause" sections with a title asking about vaginal moisturisers so someone more knowledgeable on these can answer?

The main types are listed here but  I have no experience of them:

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x


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