Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

Slowing of hair growth

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I see to be removing less hairs from chin and upper lip, the latter was on my mind throughout my teens because it was very dark and lush  :( :-X.  In recent years I've not had to shave under my arms ........ mayB I need to give my legs a good grooming then sit back and wait ........

One of the good things of getting older, less bodily hair. I don't have to bikini wax anymore and ny armpits and legs rarely see the razor, usually holiday time. Downside, the hair on my head is a lot thinner. I used to have very thick hair that needed layering and thinning but not so much now.

I believe that my hair is thinning from my scalp ........ needs a really good cut right now  ::)

I took scissors to my fringe earlier, doesn't look too bad .........  :-X 8)


--- Quote from: Dierdre on July 22, 2024, 09:16:57 AM ---One of the good things of getting older, less bodily hair. I don't have to bikini wax anymore and ny armpits and legs rarely see the razor, usually holiday time. Downside, the hair on my head is a lot thinner. I used to have very thick hair that needed layering and thinning but not so much now.

--- End quote ---

I wish!! The hair on my head is thin but grows so fast I should have my own chair at the hairdressers! I really wish it would slow down.


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