Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause

Abnormal Pap smear - anyone else ?


Hi all, I am 57F post menopausal,  started on HRT a few months ago.
I just had my routine Pap smear and it came back with “AGUS epithelial cell abnormality and Atypical glandular Cells” I had the pap done at my primary care doctor’s office and she said that she’s not alarmed and to have another pap in 3-6 months.
Ofc my anxiety is already through the roof and this ain’t helping! Anybody else
Have this and been fine? Thanks in advance!

Morning.  Sorry can't be of help - have your other smears been within normal limits?  It may be a new technique which has shown up a more detailed result.

What was the suggestion regarding HRT?  Which products have you been prescribed?


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