Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause

Osteopenia diagnosis

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Im 4 years now in my menopause and had dexa scan recently and was diagnosed with osteopenia, any suggestions ladies? Anybody else having same problems? Thanks

Morning.  Were U not given a diet sheet and advice at the appt.?  :-\

10 mins brisk walking 3 times a week initially, getting into the sun or taking a VitD supplement.  Plenty of fruits and veg in your diet, cutting out processed foods as much as possible.  Whole fat milk.  I think that ice cream comes under that ;-). 

How do U feel over all and what triggered the scan appt.?

Mary G:
Are you using HRT?  If not, my suggestion would be to look into starting it.  It's not too late to reverse the process but you need to start now.  There is medication for osteoporosis but apparently it is not as effective as HRT and the side effects are grim.

I'm afraid all the diet and a exercise in the world are not going to replace oestrogen which is most probably the cause of osteopenia. 

I second the above - lifestyle advice is fine but why wouldn't someone be doing all that anyway.

HRT is actually licensed for the prevention of osteoporosis even if you have no or mild symptoms of menopause.

Both my parents have osteoporosis and my dad is crippled by it since his spine collapsed. He is on high dose opiates painkillers and has no quality of life. Bisphosphonates didn't slow it down at all, and there's no good treatment once you start fracturing.

Please don't ignore this shot across the bows.

I plan to be as aggressive as I need to be in order to avoid osteoporosis for myself, there is no theoretical risk of HRT that scares me more than ending up like that. One in 7 women get breast cancer and 90% survive but one in 2 get osteoporosis and the mortality rate from a hip fracture is around 30%.

A lot of problems these days is due to children in the 1980s/90s not eating a full diet including dairy.  As well as Education Authorities selling off school playing fields for housing!  Then deciding that the cost of a coach to take children out and about, i.e. swimming or forest school, too expensive  >:( and now women are reaping the results of those decisions  :'(

Let us know how you get on dianad ?


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