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OCD returning perimenopause

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Hi all. I'm brand new here and looking for people to talk to. I feel so alone. I'm 42 and haven't been told I'm perimenopausal, but I seem to have a lot of the symptoms. My mom and my sister were 42 and 44 when they went in to post menopause.
 My anxiety and OCD with intrusive thoughts has shot through the roof since April this year, after 10 years of being pretty manageable. Health anxiety is also so hard...feel like I'm dying of every imaginable disease. Can anyone relate? I really feel like there is no hope of ever getting well again. Thanks in advance

Hi Helen, unfortunately yes I can relate. Again not officially been told I'm peri but all the symptoms seem to match up and they have ruled out loads through scans and bloods.
I had never had health anxiety but I do know and some days it consumes my whole day. I google lots but only thing that helps is goggling is this a symptom of perimenopause and so far it allows has been. Hopefully you have a good GP who understands.

Thanks for the reply  :) I've been doing the same with googling!! It helps but then my mind says 'but what if its not that and its (insert horrible disease)'. It really is so tiring. I've had a full blood work 2 months ago and all came back normal. Glad yours did too! Hope things get better soon.. for all us ladies. Xx

Have your periods changed at all? Meno ahe has a strong genetic link so it's likely you're heading that way. And some people do get symptoms before their periods change. If you don't already keep a diary it might be an idea to do so.

That's why I never thought about perimenopause because my periods were still bang on time, although when I kept a symptom diary I then noticed that my symptoms got worse just before my period started and also that my period was lighter and shorter.
The symptoms are bad enough without our minds making them worse 😪 I keep thinking that this can't be the new me, I don't want these constant aches and pains to be my norm.


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