Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause


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Your statement above is scaremongering, you are predicting a very bad future for women who don't take systemic HRT. It is not the holy grail for all women.

Can you read?!

What does the sentence 'from my own experience' mean?!

Mary G:
I've been on this forum for years now and we often end up having a heated debate on HRT.

I'm not sure why it gets so emotive, I see it as purely mechanical.  Most people have a choice so either take HRT or don't.  I made the decision long ago that I would use HRT for life because I view the menopause as a body fault like having an underactive thyroid for example. I saw how my mother deteriorated post menopause so obviously I didn't want to go the same way as her with endless bladder problems and dreadful insomnia.  Like it or not, oestrogen acts like a control centre for vital many bodily functions and without it, things start to go wrong.  A lot of women don't even realise some of their health issues are caused by oestrogen deficiency.

For the sake of bunging on some oestrogen and progesterone gel every day, I can't see the point of risking it and NOT taking HRT.

Please remember:
Anyone striking matches on the powder keg will be given a good talking to.

Thank you Mary!

Same here!

..except that I trusted, took my eye off during pandemic, and look where it got me..!

I do not wish anyone same,



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