Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause


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Hello Ladies,
I had a complete hysterectomy in 2011 due to severe endometriosis, I was 48 years old. At that time I was told if I chose to take oral HRT I could only take it preferably 3 years, 5 years at the longest due to the risks of cancer, that was protocol with most doctors here in the USA. So I opted to not take oral HRT, didn’t see the point for no longer than I would be allowed to take it. I was prescribed topical estradiol at that time and still use it the at present, don’t see myself ever not needing it. I am soon to be 61 years old and still dealing with many menopause symptoms. I tell myself, now I have to accept aging as part of the way I feel also, but I will always wonder if would still be experiencing some of the craziness if I would have been given oral HRT for life. Protocol still hasn’t changed much in the USA, oral HRT is still not given to women over 60 and advised to use topical estradiol only 2x weekly. This younger generation of women seem to be making much more noise about menopause as they are now entering into it. Maybe there will be changes in the years to come, but that’s not gonna help me out any :-\
I guess every ladies experience with this change in life is different, but to be honest, I didn’t think I would still be dealing with this at this stage of life. Take care ladies  :)

 Thanks for the replies ladies, did not mean to open a "can of worms" by my question. I went through an exceptionally early menopause at 38 so have been on the HRT for over 20 yrs and wondered if it was time to start tapering down. I do know that I needed it up until the 50s when one would normally go through meno, but really I dont want to end up with unnecessary aches, pains and osteoporosis so am looking at sticking to a low dose regime but possibly going onto a daily dose of Progesterone. Thanks for your input.


..this used to be a site where one could find empathy and advise..


--- Quote from: orrla on July 15, 2024, 08:58:54 AM ---From my own experience..?

HRT props body, including your spine. You cut them down or get off and your body will age faster than when on them. Your back will curve. Energy level will go down too so you'll also feel 'old', lose interest in life..
You'll be in and out of your GP practice, your life will about hospital appointments..

--- End quote ---

I must apologise for completely misinterpreting this post. When you said in your own experience you didn’t mention the word ‘personal’ you also didn’t use the word ‘I’ but instead the use of the words ‘you’, ‘you’ll’,  came over to me as a lecture that this is what will happen to women if they don’t take HRT.
I am sorry, orria,  that this is your story and obviously not a great place to be and I wish you well.
I will always call out and defend a woman’s right to choose but it’s obvious that this time I misunderstood the meaning of your post.


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