Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause


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Hi Ladies, so with all the chat recently about ideal levels of Estrogen, I was reading an article by an American lady, granted she promotes her compounded creams and she was saying how bad it is to still be stimulating ones uterus to have"fake periods" post menopause. I know there are ladies who stay on HRT into their 70s and later, but my mom and many others of that era stopped at around 60. Really dont know what the right way forward is, I love my HRT but not sure what will happen to me physically if I taper off and am I doing myself an injustice by carrying on using it cyclically and getting these bleeds, at a later stage of my life. Any input or advice would be appreciated.  ;)

From my own experience..?

HRT props body, including your spine. You cut them down or get off and your body will age faster than when on them. Your back will curve. Energy level will go down too so you'll also feel 'old', lose interest in life..
You'll be in and out of your GP practice, your life will about hospital appointments..

You don't need to take it cyclically, you could switch to a bleed free option.

The ONLY concern with cyclical over the long term is a very small increased risk of endometrial hyperplasia.

The majority of women would not have any problems if they continued to take it this way as long as the progestogen dose is adequate.

This can be further mitigated by having periodic scans to check your lining remains thin - unlikely to be provided by the NHS but can be arranged privately.

If you do decide to taper off HRT, make sure this is a well informed decision based on your individual needs and not influenced by someone selling a product.


--- Quote from: orrla on July 15, 2024, 08:58:54 AM ---From my own experience..?

HRT props body, including your spine. You cut them down or get off and your body will age faster than when on them. Your back will curve. Energy level will go down too so you'll also feel 'old', lose interest in life..
You'll be in and out of your GP practice, your life will about hospital appointments..

--- End quote ---

Absolute nonsense and scare mongering. I am not on systemic HRT, I am 75 with a very straight back, I am not back and forth to the GP, my energy is fine, I don't have lots of hospital appointments.
I lead a healthy lifestyle, perhaps that's the reason why I am not falling apart because I don't take systemic HRT.

Are you trying to tell me that my experience is different?!

Doesn't it prove you did not need any..?!

Those who are on it took it because their bodies needed it! ..not as some nonsense youth elixir some seem to perceive it as still. ..

..and regard prolapse, VA and incontinence as normal...

Stay glad! :-*


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