Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause

Migraine with aura

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Lou Lou:
Hi ladies
Any advice please. Am 58 and been post menopausal for quite a while now. Still getting new symptoms though. The latest being dry eyes and very itchy ears. They are driving me mad 😡 The most worrying however is the more frequent occurrence of migraines with the zigzagging lights, not much of a headache just feeling really spaced out after. They are mostly occurring at night  As I am still getting hot flushes mainly at night I presume they must be connected. Anybody else the same?? Would love a bit of reassurance please 😥

Hi. I get the same. I’ve suffered with occasional migraines since I was about 23 but now I get them more often but as you describe I get the flashing lights/zigzag lights and not much of a headache. Sometimes no headache at all. I’m about 14 years post meno.

Is this a new thing to you? Or have you always had them?

Lou Lou:
Hi Blot. Many thanks for your reply. I have always suffered with headaches, particularly when I was younger and having periods and had auras occasionally over the years so I knew what they were. However they have suddenly become much more frequent together with a kind of motion sickness feeling. How about you?

Hi Lou Lou,

I had a change in my migraines with aura. Every 6 months or so I used to get zig-zag caterpillars that slowly made their way across my line of sight then they'd disappear after about 20 mins. No headaches or sickness but I'd feel a bit weird for an hour or so after.

One day I had three in the morning and felt really unsettled for the rest of the day. GP referred me to ophthalmology and recommended a sight test. Outcome was my prescription had changed slightly, and the ophthalmologist found nothing abnormal but said if migraines change in presentation or frequency it's best to get them looked at.

As you say, it's probably just hormonal stuff but I would recommend speaking to an optician and/or your GP just to be sure. Then you'll know what's happening and you won't need to worry about it. Hope this helps.


Lou Lou:
Thanks for your reply.  Yes you are right I do need to get it checked out as my mind is working overtime as usual :'(


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