General Discussion > New Members

Heavy periods, newbie here.

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It depends how heavy periods are. Tranexamic acid worked for me at the beginning and then it stopped helping me. I was on waiting list for hospital app, so was given emergency progesterone tablets to stop bleedings immediately until I could be seen by gynaecologist, after that I was fitted with Mirena coil in the hospital and I went through peri for another couple of years completely symptoms free.

Hi again. I think I've changed the title.  Wow, exploring around, I didn't know this website existed for quite a while. Wished I came here a few years ago. I didn't have the nerve to go to the doctors,  because of the COVID lockdown.  I could have asked questions and gained some knowledge, advice from others etc..  Hopefully sort out the present and look forward to the future. Sometimes feeling down in the dumps.

Hi AngelaH and others..
                I will ask the GP to see what she say. Another option.   How would you know if you period is coming to an end, missing periods, slowly less bleeding every month? I have read with the coil, you can get some spotting, cramp and some bleeding.  Never had children,  will  it be uncomfortable, any pain? Like cervical screening?  Smear tests ok, depending on the nurse.  :o

          My heavy periods started around Covid19.   Heavy for a few days, then lighter. Sometimes with big clots. Only last month and this month, periods are closer and spotting. I read a lot about Menopause, but nothing on Perimenopause or transition. Just started reading about it this year.
Had a scan a few months ago and GP told me I have a small fibroids. Two GPs tole me it is small and when I reach menopause it will shrink.
AngelaH-How long did you take your Tranexamic acid for?  Are you post menopause now?


--- Quote from: Felicity1 on July 21, 2024, 08:22:33 PM --- How would you know if you period is coming to an end, missing periods, slowly less bleeding every month?

--- End quote ---
Periods become irregular, mine disappeared for 3 months, then came back very heavy, then again disappeared and came back as non stop bleedings for months. When Mirena was fitted I had a little spotting, but not for long. Mirena is a contraceptive, so it is suitable for those who never had children. When I was fitted I had hysteroscopy, biopsy was taken and Mirena coil was fitted the same time, so everything was done for me in the hospital by gynaecologist, I did not feel any pain, it was done quickly and easily. Because you don’t have children it is possible you may feel uncomfortable during moving things through cervix canal, in this case you need to talk to doctors, I am sure they take such things in to consideration first.


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