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Heavy periods, newbie here.

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Hi all,
     Feel better coming here, knowing we are in the same boat.  Over 50 and still in Peri ... Periods have been up and down last month.  Heavy then light, spotting on and off for a couple of weeks.  Then my periods came back this month. :( Is this normal? Never had this before?  Am I a late Perimenopause women?

It's within normal limits for most of us.    :welcomemm:  mine did that: usual cycle, then missed a lot, then 1 or several until they finally disappeared  ::)

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use.   It's The Change - does what it says on the tin.

Browse round. Make notes ;-) and U R no longer alone  ;)

Perfectly normal I'm afraid. Some aren't meno till their early 60s, average is 51 or 52 I think - so you're  'normal' by that score too   :).

    Thanks for the info.  Every month my periods usually heavy for the first few days and I have to take Tranexamic acid.  It is lighter this month, should I just leave it and put the medicine to one side? If it is heavy next month, I will take it then.     Does it affect gut, bowels too? Sometimes solid, soft or mushy. Only go once in the morning, so it is not diarrhoea.  I will keep a diary and food intake too.
Chat soon.  :-\

Use the Tranexamic acid when the bleeding is exceptionally heavy.  If there's a lighter flow you shouldn't require it.  My periods were heavy++: clotting, excruciating pains, nausea - 10 days on, 10 days off!  Wasn't aware that there was any medication to help at the time.  It was 'normal' 4 me . 

Hormones can certainly upset the digestive system.  In my 30s, the night B4 a bleed I would cry and 10 mins B4 it began I would have to dash to the loo: no arguments!  Even if a period wasn't due!  By then I was on a 28 day cycle so knew more or less when I should bleed.  Had to check my calendar B4 booking anything anywhere!

How do you feel in general?  For many years I have had slow transit  ::).  Last period was 2002. 


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