General Discussion > New Members

Hello, New and possibly having a full period on uterogestan?

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Susie B:
Thank you for your advice. I have only been on the Uterogestan for one month. I'm just confused as initially a few moths ago ( when I was getting brown spotting before my period) the gynae said to take it for the second 2 weeks of the month every month and then I hadn't actually started taking it but had a very very heavy period after a 6 week cycle and then she said to take it every day continuosly with no break. I've been taking it every day for the last 3 weeks but now I seem to be having a proper heavy period, despite doubling the dose for the last few days. I don't know whether to carry on taking it at the lower dose of 100 or to stop taking it completely for a few days, or for 2 weeks and then start on the 14 days on 14 days off regime.

Susie B:
Surprisingly my sister ovulated regularly till 56 on only one ovary too

If you want to persevere with the utrogestan and you are still having fairly regular cycles, taking two 100mg caps for 2 weeks out of every 4 is probably best.

This aims to produce more regular bleeds which should in theory be lighter as you are not building up a thicker lining over longer cycles, some of which may be anovulatory.

Usually measures like this are best taken consistently for at least 3 cycles rather than chopping and changing in order to get the benefit.

Utrogestan can also be taken vaginally which leads to a stronger effect on the uterine lining and hence bleeding, than oral if that's something you would like to try.

Susie B:
Thank you very much. I'm going to try this. I stopped it yesterday as I seem to definitely be having a full blown period, cramping, heavy red blood and clots etc. Sorry for details! I will try taking yesterday as day 1 and take it vaginally at 200 from day 14 to 28. I have read that the uterogestan has a stronger effect on the endometrium vaginally and was frightened of side effects so I have taken it this way so far actually. I was surprised by the wonderful sleep it has given me and have felt a little bit tired in the day, though not depressed or weepy as I often used to be with PMT. It must be being absorbed systemically via the vaginal route surely to give the amazing sleep? One of these days I will pluck up courage to try it orally but I imagine that will have an extremely sedating effect if it is already doing that vaginally....


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