Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

No ovaries and alternatives to HRT

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Bit of a shot in the dark, but I wondered if there are any ladies here who've had ovaries removed and found some benefit in alternative supplements

I have tried HRT for years and feel dreadful on it! I've stopped very recently but feel pretty pants as I guess I'm running on empty!
I'm particularly interested in anything that will help me produce testosterone naturally- obvs that won't be from my ovaries but apparently it's produced elsewhere (adrenals?? brain, maybe??)
I have just started a magnesium 3 in 1 supplement (glycinate/taurate/threonate)- I actually have no idea what I'm doing but saw this mentioned somewhere and decided to try it. Feel quite shabby on it at the mo but it's only day 3.
I know exercise will help me but I can barely put one foot in front of the other at the moment- vicious cycle :(
Thanks for any help  :)


Maybe not the natural you were thinking of but dhea is meant to be good for raising testosterone. You can get it as tablets or cream.

Soz if you've have your ovaries removed - you've basically got no hormones. What happened on hrt!??

Have you tried just tiny doses? Even just vaginal estrogen? Might be enough for you x

Hi vintagefiend,
In a similar boat here; no ovaries, HRT off limits and on a hormone blocker. I feel awful too.

Frantically scouring the net, looking for something effective. Even Ovestin and vagifem isn’t helping the VA :'(

Do share if you find something that works. :)

oh wow I didn't expect replies so soon- if at all!- thank you

          hi- good point! I don't actually mean natural- I just mean *anything* other than HRT- I should probably rephrase it- I don't care if 100% synthetic if it helps!!
standard hrt makes me feel very depressed, anxious etc.
DHEA is a really good call- should I check my levels first and even if they're ok is it worth taking?
I'm particularly concerned about testosterone as I believe this is the hormone that continues to be produced by ovaries even after menopause- it does decrease but in a steady, slow way- so I figured it might be the one I miss most.
yes, I have tried small amounts of hrt- even ovestin on its own and even that was too much- I dunno- I'm a bit of a weirdo, super-sensitive.
I may try ovestin again, though- it's pretty easy (cheap!) to get hold of unlike other HRTs

      I'm so sorry to hear you're in a similar boat- I recognise your name but didn't realise that you'd had your ovaries removed too.
I will certainly share if something works- I really feel for you. I'm sorry you can't take HRT and apologies for my ignorance but I know nothing about hormone blockers; will HRT always be off limits for you? Is it your mood as well as physical symptoms like the VA? For me, it's mood, fatigue and sleep ah! it's shite, isn't it?!
I do want to say to you that the best I have felt is when I've been off the HRT and somehow been able to go for runs. I'm not a runner or exerciser normally but it really did help- I don't know how I did it because I'm a sack of spuds at the moment and cannot face it- but I'd really like to get back to it. do you manage to exercise at all? sorry that sounds patronising- i'm sure you're well aware! it's just that i was amazed by how much better i felt and i think it actually increases testosterone overall- not just when you exercise- at least that's what i read v recently on one of my many dives into the ineternet- "scouring", as you say.

Hi vintage.

Glad I could be of use.

So I was under the Marion Gluck clinic for a while and they prescribed me dhea. They did test first and I think my levels were middle of the road. I didn't use it for long as I'm peri. I'm in hell and trying to balance my E and P firstly.

I am interested in your story because I have been offered chem meno for my horrific sensitivity to my own estrogen. Then ovaries out.

Would you mind telling me why you had your ovaries out???

Interesting you are also so sensitive.

I dont know the different topical estrogens, but I'm sure a member told me the only one she could tolerate, because she is so sensitive to E, is Blissel. So might be worth comparing that to the one u tried.

In terms of DHEA. My clinic said pills are best. But if you are sensitive u might prefer to try a cream. Onas do one which 'guarantees' to raise your testosterone. Have a look.

Yes. I'd prob test first. Medichecks will do a finger test. Xx


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