Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause

Anyone taking Tibolone (Livial)? - a positive update

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Is anyone here taking Tibolone? How do you find it? Any hints and tips?

I’ve just been prescribed it at my hospital follow up because of bleeding on conventional HRT from some small submucosal fibroids (everything was biopsied and benign).

The consultant said Tibolone is a non-bleeding HRT alternative, though I have read that one of the common side effects is… you’ve guessed it… bleeding!

Should I take the full or half dose to start? (The reason is that, with hindsight, I’d definitely have eased into HRT on a 25 mcg oestrogen patch rather than the standard 50.)

I’ve been off HRT for six weeks (I was told to stop following the hysteroscopy investigations). Apart from the return of frequent headaches and some dryness creeping back (everywhere!) I still feel mostly ok.

I’m bit concerned about the androgenic effects of Tibolone as I’ve been prone to hormonal acne, but I could certainly do with a little more drive and energy.

Thank you all!

I took it for 18 months a few years ago.  It caused some bleeding which put me off, though they said I could have continued.  It gave me bad acne for a while.  It did improve libido but didn't really make me feel more energetic. 

Thanks Suzy. Did the acne settle while still on Tibolone or did you have to stop taking it for it to clear? It’s a miserable condition. Not something I still want to be worrying about in my mid 50s!

Interesting about the bleeding. So it’s definitely not quite the magic bullet for everyone.

I guess all I can do is try it and see how it goes.

Yes the acne did settle down while still taking it. I took for 18 months before the bleeding,  which stopped when I stopped the tibolone.   Generally it didn't make me feel as great as I'd hoped but we all react differently.   It's worth trying.  I don't know if I read it's only recommended for a year, not sure.

Here’s a link to my 2016 diary when I started it,33626.msg539296.html#msg539296
I came off it at the end of 2019 because it had stopped being as effectively for me. It was good while it worked, but there were some odd side effects and I’ve found Sandrena, Utrogestan plus testosterone much better for me.


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