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Stomach - stabbing pain

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I'm putting this up here in the hope someone has some advice.

I've made a log of changes over the last year trying to address my hormonal issues and this stomach issue arrived after a few doses of vag utrogestan!

I have had all the tests. Endoscopy, CT, oesophagus throat test, abdominal scan. Nothing found.

It can calm. But most of the time my stomach is giving me a lot of grief.

So, it's like an intense stabbing pain, hollow feeling in my upper abdomen. So in my actual stomach.

It can morph around. Sometimes I have sore inflamed points on my bowel. Extreme bloating. Sometimes I get acid, sometimes burning knawing.

It just changes a lot. But the worst is the constant stabbing hollow feeling in my stomach. Right up to my sternum. Sometimes sore points to press on stomach. Other times not.

Any ideas? Acid reducers make it worse. But it's clearly not acid reflux - as much as it can sometimes turn acidy.

Is it ibs??? Have had IBS since my 20s but it's never affected my actual stomach before. My bowels are moving fine.

And, how to calm it? I've made a lot of changes trying to find hrt to work for me in peri. If I stop everything it will calm, but then I feel absolutely dire. And so the cycle begins again.


Gastritis! Look it up and see if it resonates. Wouldn't show up on a scope unless atrophic.

Would it not show up on a scope???

I had it a few years ago and it did show up on a scope. Also when I had it then it felt quite different and did respond to famotidine.

This latest 'thing' is not always burning or acidy and affects downwards too. Would gastritis affect lower abdomen? And now both famotidine and ppi actually increase the pain.  :o

Any suggestions if it was that???

I would have thought it would show up as inflammation unless it is really mild. I had it for a couple of weeks before ending up in a&e with it where they gave me pantoprazole, a ppi. A month of that (plus a very restricted diet) got rid of the burning, gnawing feeling but it was really bad for my digestion and i weaned off pretty quickly. I had issues down the left side of my colon and some constipation.

If it is that then you need a healing diet, things like porridge,  chicken soup, etc, avoiding coffee, alcohol, anything spicy or acidic or carbonated. You need well cooked, easily digestible food, things like cooked rice, slow cooked chicken, lean fish and veggies like carrot, Broccoli, leeks etc.

I used a supplement called Nutrigold Colex, two on an empty stomach every morning, still take that every day 2 years later. It has l-glutamine in which is great for stomach and intestinal lining. So does zinc carnosine, a form of zinc known for helping the GI tract. Plus another one called DGL Plus by Pure Encapsulations. Both help repair the mucous lining.

Aloe vera juice (a tablespoon) before meals helped. And don't overload your tummy ever.

I also did a split dose of the ppi am and pm as found the pain was worse at night.

Do you find it is slightly better when you've just eaten? But that you feel full very quickly?

You may also benefit from digestive enzymes in the short term too, I have always used the life extension one with ibs but have moved to Wild Nutrition one and it is much gentler. I take on an empty tummy about 5 minutes before a meal when the meal is big, or has neat, or am eating out / different food to usual. I now only take when needed but used to take all the time with the gastritis.


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