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Hi All

Just wanted to pop something on here for those of us who HRT doesn’t agree with !

I tried HRT for six months and aside from putting on weight, did not really feel the benefit. My GP prescribed Prozac 2 months ago and it is working fantastically well. No sweats , better balanced mood and I have lost the weight.

So , for anyone who is struggling with HRT or cannot take it for any reason it is worth chatting to the GP about

Tnx for the update.  Well done!

Hi Smolls

Glad you are feeling better. However, it is important to say Prozac doesn’t give you the health benefits that supplementing declining levels of  oestrogen does, i,e., protection of bones, heart, brain etc. So many of us who take hrt are looking at the long term picture. Nevertheless, pleased you are happy x

Good point though I don't take HRT.  A good exercise regime [note to self  :-\]; balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and veg.; less alcohol; 'me' time can all help during The Change. Impact walking is good for the bones throughout, including the jaw line. (and I don't mean standing on one's head ;-) ))


--- Quote from: Smolls on December 01, 2022, 09:00:58 PM ---Hi All

Just wanted to pop something on here for those of us who HRT doesn’t agree with !

I tried HRT for six months and aside from putting on weight, did not really feel the benefit. My GP prescribed Prozac 2 months ago and it is working fantastically well. No sweats , better balanced mood and I have lost the weight.

So , for anyone who is struggling with HRT or cannot take it for any reason it is worth chatting to the GP about

--- End quote ---
I'm just wondering what dose that is? I've taken 20mg Prozac a day since I started perimenopause, for anxiety, but it didn't stop my sweats, I always think prozac makes me sweat more. That was my main complaint about prozac when I was younger, it gave me night sweats, long before I was peri.

Is it a different dose from the dose used for anxiety?


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