Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

Thyroid issues & support

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--- Quote from: Elliebee on July 13, 2024, 10:06:35 AM ---Hi I have posted on this thread before . I have subclinical hypothroidism dud to Hashimoto disease and have annual blood tests. The recent one shows TSH to have increased from 4.27 to 6.44 in past year. T4 has dropped from 16.1 to 15.7so still in normal range. I’m waiting for GP to contact me to discuss results. I’m just wondering if I’ll now be offered treatment as my thyroid is obviously deteriorating and struggling. I do feel slightly more sluggish but hard to tell if my symptoms are due to thyroid or menopause?
Anyone else on meds for these levels?
Lab has suggested retesting in 3/6 mths but of course they’re unaware of my clinical history.

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I really do wish you good luck. Because with high tsh but good T4, it's still subclinical and you'll just be asked to retest in another 8 weeks.
The tsh might be up because you have low free T3. But you can't know without a test.  Easier to pay privately than fight NHS rules, I have found.
I've had to start self medicating again. The NHS would leave me struggling endlessly with the "retest in eight weeks". While my life slips through my hands.

Dyk tsh is supposed to be higher later in the day. Maybe the time of test effected your results?  Proper good luck to all of us!


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