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Thyroid issues & support

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 :welcomemm:  we all likes a moan we does, comes with the territory.  We all likes a rant we does so you are in good Company  ;)

I thought that I had sciatica until diagnosed with a physio = bursitis - have exercises, it's not a problem until the early hours.  Many years ago I would wake in the early hours with deep, intense, excruciating pain in the thighs.  Found out it was due to bending over cabinets at antique fairs  ::) now I have to be more careful.

Stuck in a similar is it hypothyroidism/menopause here too. I can usually motivate myself and help myself along but not currently. I’m just dragging my sorry self through the day and spending significant amounts of time being a couch potato. I never used to be like this. I just feel so fed up disinterested in everything. I was put on armour thyroid 3 months ago and whilst my levels of TR3 and 4 have improved significantly my mood has gone off a cliff. Prior to that I was faffing around with private HRT for 5 years but never got my hormones balanced and ended up bleeding and giving up as my body wasn’t clearing the oestrogen. I’m not sure now if I need HRT or an increase in thyroid meds or both. I’m on private thyroid treatment now because my bloods were always in range on the NHS even though I had so many symptoms.

Hi I have posted on this thread before . I have subclinical hypothroidism dud to Hashimoto disease and have annual blood tests. The recent one shows TSH to have increased from 4.27 to 6.44 in past year. T4 has dropped from 16.1 to 15.7so still in normal range. I’m waiting for GP to contact me to discuss results. I’m just wondering if I’ll now be offered treatment as my thyroid is obviously deteriorating and struggling. I do feel slightly more sluggish but hard to tell if my symptoms are due to thyroid or menopause?
Anyone else on meds for these levels?
Lab has suggested retesting in 3/6 mths but of course they’re unaware of my clinical history.

Sounds pretty bad @Elliebee. If your TSH is that high on treatent even a g.p.would realise you must be feeling bad, but for some reason they are happy for TSH to be that high before treated.

Some medical guidelines say over 10 before treatment but others say over 2.5, patient experience suggests that 10 is way too high

Did you ever have your thyroid antibodies tested? Sometimes if a g.p.sees they are raised they will realise that you have an autoimmune problem and treat you even though your TSH has not reached a level that they think is necessary for treatment. Mine got treated at just over 3 with raised antibodies.

Thyroid UK website and patient group on HealthUnlocked is a great source of thyroid help. You need to give lab ranges to get proper help though.


--- Quote from: AKatieD on July 17, 2024, 09:55:31 AM ---Sounds pretty bad @Elliebee. If your TSH is that high on treatent even a g.p.would realise you must be feeling bad, but for some reason they are happy for TSH to be that high before treated.

Some medical guidelines say over 10 before treatment but others say over 2.5, patient experience suggests that 10 is way too high

Did you ever have your thyroid antibodies tested? Sometimes if a g.p.sees they are raised they will realise that you have an autoimmune problem and treat you even though your TSH has not reached a level that they think is necessary for treatment. Mine got treated at just over 3 with raised antibodies.

Thyroid UK website and patient group on HealthUnlocked is a great source of thyroid help. You need to give lab ranges to get proper help though.

--- End quote ---

Hi KatieD
Yes I have been tested for the antibodies and was positive!


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