Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

Thyroid issues & support

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Bumped for Moog77.

Excellent! Thank you wrensong!

No problem.  It means we have a place to post thyroid queries without taking other threads off topic & hopefully more members with a thyroid history will see the posts here.

It does appear that there is an interaction between HRT and Thyroid meds.Really keen to get my blood tests on Friday.

I suspect I need a bump in Levo as opposed to have been given a dose of T3 from my results at the beginning of the year.

TSH 2.72 (0.27 - 4.2)
FT4 15.9 (12 - 22)
FT3 3.4 (3.1 - 6.8)

My Ft3 has never been above 4.5 and that was on 135 levo a couple of years ago. That dose suppressed my TSH to 0.07 and put my FT4 up to 22.1. However I was definitely starting peri (unbeknownst to me).

I feel like the 10 mcg of T3 has done nothing for me at all.

What a palaver this is! Such a pain trying to establish what is what. I am pretty sure my current slump is Thyroid though - numbers certainly indicate it.

I suspect you're not feeling brilliant with thyroid numbers like these.

TSH 2.72 mIU/L (.27 - 4.2) 62.3%
Free T4 (fT4) 15.9 pmol/L (12 - 22) 39.0%
Free T3 (fT3) 3.4 pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8 ) 8.1%

Just wondering why you've been given T3 as opposed to a much needed increase in Levo. (Although it looks like you're a poor converter.)

May be worth posting on the thyroid board on healthunlocked. There's some very knowledgeable people on there who will help.

How are your vitamin levels? Vitamin D, B12, folate and ferritin need to be optimal  (not just above the bottom of the range where a GP would tell you that you're fine)


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