Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

Thyroid issues & support

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Well I definitely have the antibodies! Level of 227 (range is 0-33). GP calling me on Tuesday.

Hi Spiderly13, I'm sorry you've had no answers to your post.  I haven't been in your position of raised T4 with normal TSH, as I'm long term hypothyroid, but as our thyroid replacement dose requirement tends to lessen with age, I do know what it feels like to be on too much, leading to a raised T4 & symptoms of effectively being temporarily hyperthyroid.  Do you have symptoms that you're thinking could indicate an overactive thyroid that are making it difficult to know whether everything you're experiencing is "just" down to perimenopause?  If you'd like to post your TFT results with ref ranges & any symptoms you're concerned about, that will help us to get an idea of what might be going on.  I'm not on the forum much at the mo as have had a bit going on past couple of months, but we have quite a few members with experience of thyroid disease, so hopefully one of us will be able to help if you don't mind giving a bit more info.  You could also PM me if you get no response, but not all PMs are coming through to email for some reason, so I'm finding I'm unaware until I log on that messages are waiting.

Hi again Ellibee, sorry to know you do have raised antibodies, but that might mean you get onto a treatment path that could result in better health for the long term.  Please let us know how you get on today with your GP appointment.

Hi Wrensong GP said as TSH only slightly elevated and T4 in normal range along with mild symptoms she doesn’t feel medication is necessary yet. Will check levels in 12 months or sooner if my symptoms worsen.

Thanks for the update Elliebee.  How do you feel about the outcome?


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