Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

Thyroid issues & support

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Thank you Wrensong so lower the TSH and raise T4 is the plan !

Please let us know how you get on if you have time.

I will do. Would you expect my levels to produce symptoms. Not sure if my symptoms are perimenopause , vit deficiency or thyroid!!!
Guess if I get vitamin and ferritin  levels up it may help thyroid function ok.

Of course you're not sure - that's the difficulty at our stage of life when we are all feeling so unlike our former selves.  Difficult to say for sure, but I think it is possible you could get symptoms of low thyroid if your current thyroid status is suboptimal for you as an individual.  We don't know what your TFT looked like when you were asymptomatic - your T4 may well have been higher & your TSH quite a bit lower.  If you have other classic symptoms of low thyroid such as sluggish digestion, fluid retention, loss of outer third of eyebrows . . . these would increase the likelihood I'd say.

Not sure whether your GP would want to prescribe thyroid meds while your T4 is still in range & your TSH only slightly raised, so you may need to see an endocrinologist if you want an opinion from someone with more in depth knowledge at this stage.


Just wondered if anyone had any experience of having raised T4 but normal TSH. I have consistently had raised t4 with private tests . I did go to gp a few years ago and was referred to consultant who more or less said because tsh was normal no action was needed. I was discharged from consultant before I had chance to ask any questions , then covid happened so never got to persue it.
Just wondered if anyone else had experienced this ? Or whether this could be causing my symptoms rather than peri if that makes sense


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