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Thyroid issues & support

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I've made my way here from another forum.

I'm finding it difficult to unpick what is thyroid and what is female hormones and I'm not sure what to do next.

A year ago I had female hormones tested. Results were:

Test.       Range.            Result.   %through range
SHBG   23.4 - 128   88               62%
FSH   3.5 - 12.5   11.2       86%
LH          2.4 - 12.6   6.3               38%
Oestradiol   45.4 - 854   123       9%
Testosterone 0.29 - 1.67   0.78   35%
Free Androgen Index   0.2 - 7.1   0.9   10%
Prolactin   102 - 496   235   34%

I've had conflicting opinions on whether they're good or bad results.

Symptoms I have could be thyroid/low estrogen/peri and I don't know which way is up anymore!

I'd be grateful to hear some thoughts.

Following a slightly raised TSH level in January I have just had a repeat blood test and the TSH level is still slighty raised at 4.24 (ref level is 4.2). Previous result was 4.22. T4 level within range. GP is calling me on Tuesday to discuss result. I’ve not been tested for the autoimmune antibodies.
I do feel low , tired even after a goods night sleep, can feel shivery at times, have brittle nails, and a low resting pulse. Plus diagnosed with high BP in Jan. Could these all be linked to my thyroid ?
I guess my levels are not high enough to warrant treatment?

It might be worth asking for a referral to an endocrinologist as there a) may B waiting lists and b) many GPs don't push for any further tests if results 'are within normal limits' even when patients complain of on-going symptoms.

Wondering if anyone can advise on whether it's worth my further investigating thyroid, initially by re-testing bloods which I do privately though everything else I do on NHS (no GP to speak of, months for an appointment and most are incompetent).

I still haven't made the progress I'd hoped with HRT and some symptoms persist that make me wonder whether perhaps not strictly related to sex hormones but to thyroid issues.
These symptoms are chronic and acute fatigue, feeling terribly cold, especially in the evening, awful sleep, low mood. I think these are associated with hypothyroidism but my metabolism is fast and weight is very low - and struggling to increase it to no avail - which is associated with hyperthryoidism.

6 months ago bloods were as follows - these are all within the normal range but I wonder if anyone could tell me whether it's normal to have any autoimmune thryoid antibodies at all if there's nothing wrong?

TSH 1.37 mIU/L (Range: 0.27 - 4.2)
Free T3 3.4 pmol/L (Range: 3.1 - 6.8
Free Thyroxine 15.7 pmol/l (Range: 12 - 22)

Thyroglobulin Antibodies 15.3 IU/mL
Method used for Anti-Tg: Roche Modular
(Range: 0 - 115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 10.0 IU/mL

Keep On Swimming:
Hi Elliebee,

I haven't read all your messages so I don't know all your medical history but just because you are "in the range" doesn't mean there isn't a thyroid issue! Has your GP checked for antibodies?

Wrensong is so much more thyroid-savvy than me, so she'll give you better advice! I have Hashimoto's disease and if my TSH goes above 3 (in the range!) I can barely stand!

You need TSH/T4/T3 and antibody tests before you can reach any conclusion about needing meds for your thyroid. And if there is evidence of antibodies then you need to get a thyroid ultrasound to see the "damage". That's what they do here, in France.

All the best.


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