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Thyroid issues & support

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Setraline (sp) can be a life saver.  Many women find that they require both ADs as well as HRT.  There are a few ADs that can ease panic attacks and anxiety. 

Your breast tenderness may be cyclical.  Even now, years after my last period, occasionally I feel an 'ouch' in one or both so my ovaries are probably muttering in the background. 

Any oedema should be investigated as it may be linked to heart disease or a reaction to some of the medication: some are sensitive to fillers and/or packaging rather than the active ingredient.  It's such Trial and Error that it can become so tiring  :-\

If it’s helps I was on beta blockers (slow release ones) for years with thyroxine due to performance and social anxiety (possibly also hypermobility, it’s supposed to help) and I didn’t notice much difference. One offs when you’re bad wouldn’t much of make a difference imo, especially as you’re on T3. But if taking them causes more anxiety there’s not much point.

Sert has been the only ad that ever really worked for me (it was always that I was in the wrong level of thyroxine!) for post partum anxiety but I stuck with that and it helped really well - just takes a while. It’s got a 24 hr half life so best to stick to a time to take. (No one can agree on morning or night!) it gave me insomnia at first and sleepiness in the day but eventually sorted itself out.

I was getting painful Odema in my legs and feet when slowly upping oestrogen. Was fine on 50 but awful meno symptoms.  the issue started as I raised to 75. I had to go more slowly up to 100; it’s taken 5 months.

Continuous utro definitely helped this but also persevering- I think bodies take a long time to adjust both with thyroid and hormones. I had to wear support socks on my work days for a while but seem fine now. I think some gym sessions helped too - really pushing on a bike.

Gp just agreed I can do 2x utro on a 25/3 regime. I have been before I see her but one tablet vaginally. So I’ll tell you how I get on.

Only issue might be that this means I have to lower T4 as I believe utro increases t4 - I’ve been feeling buzzy and hyped she also agreed to a test .

Thanks CLKD and Clarella. It does indeed seem that it's cyclical breast tenderness as my period appears to be starting again. Only 3 weeks since the last one which is typical of my undermedicated hypothyroidism (I'm normally every 32/33 days). But jeez oh they are more painful than they've been since I was last pregnant 21 years ago. And I'm definitely not now. It would have to an immaculate conception the way I'm feeling these days. My libido has well and truly left the building. My partner is currently reading the Advice for husbands and partners that I emailed him so he has a better understanding of what's going on. It definitely seems to be the oestradiol that's causing the oedema (whether the patch or excipients) but it's not as bad as it was in Nov at the height of my problems so I'll continue to persevere with it. Being tested again for prolactin in a couple of weeks along with TFTs so that will hopefully show what's going on and why. I do realise that I might never know though. I've stuck a 50 patch back on today because the night sweats over the last 2 nights on the half patch have been awful, as well as hot flushes through the day. Which also makes me think I've overdone the Thyroxine dropping - I get this worse when I'm undermedicated. Oedema not as bad tonight as it was last night or Saturday night. I've also realised I'm my own worst nightmare, I'm not leaving things long enough to settle before changing things around. And I should know better because I take longer to settle on new thyroxine doses, so other hormones are likely to be the same. I still haven't plucked up the courage to take the sertraline yet but thanks for your advice, I'm a bit less anxious about it now, just want to give things another couple of weeks before I start them. I have a uni assignment due in next Tuesday and I can't do that while feeling worse than I already do given how much I tend to react to medication and the slower time it takes for my body to get used to it. I also have a bit of hypermobility noted by the rheumatologist and have a fibro diagnosis although quite convinced that was caused by poor T4 to T3 conversion. My fT3 was never routinely tested so Clarella if you can get your doctor to sign off on that test as well as TSH and fT4 you'll get a better idea of what's going on with you. I've just had a copy of my medical records and my rheumatologist tested my fT3 (which was under range) and asked for my bloods to be retested along with Vit B12 and D, as he felt that was probably my problem. Sadly, although tested again and still below range nothing was done. I wasn't referred to an endocrinologist until 18 months later after I'd argued my case to be referred for a T3 trial (again after fighting my own corner). I haven't looked back since although getting there was no walk in the park. One of the letters to my GP from a junior doctor who didn't want me to have the T3 at my second appointment and was an arrogant twat, stated that although my bloods showed a TSH of 6.89 and low fT4 and fT3 (no wonder really when they dropped me 50mcg T4 and replaced with only 10mcg of T3), he wouldn't increase my dose because he was sure I wasn't taking them appropriately. He basically accused me of not taking the tablets at all to get a higher prescription. All I wanted was to feel better so why would I mess about when I had finally got the trial. Thankfully at the next appointment I took a friend for support and saw the head guy himself, who sorted everything out for me. That's my main reason for wanting to see someone privately, but if I decide against the private route just now, I'm going to try to talk the GP into referring me to the NHS menopause clinic to see what they have to say at least. Thanks again for your help, much appreciated.

Hi everyone, I’m so thrilled to find this thread. I have never felt alone as I have the past few years navigating hypothyroid and menopause symptoms.
I’m 44 and been told I am in early menopause. I’ve been on cerezette for years and so no periods to monitor etc. the last 2-3 years I have been struggling with dreadful anxiety, panic attacks, brain fog, poor concentration, night sweats, hot flashes, no libido etc. I was told repeatedly that it was my thyroid. It was so different to any anxiety or panic I had before though. I was fearful for my life. Petrified of most things and couldnt function properly at all. Scared of everything and crushed to version of myself i didn’t recognise. I was too long for it to be menopause. Then I couldn’t have an fsh test because I was on cerezette. Finally had one and it was 56.4 but my TSH was 0.03 and so it was likely my TSH that was the problem. They messed about my my thyroxine, dropping it every 6 weeks until I was at half my dose. My TSH didn’t change. My t4 fell to bits just as I did- I was utterly broken. Happy to consider death as my only option out of it (not sucidal, despairing).they refused to consider anything else and I had to have a second fsh for it be a firmer diagnosis but they wouldn’t do the test as it was just my thyroid…. I decided to go to a private endocrinologist. They did all my bloods and found my fsh was 56.4, lh 31, oestrodiol <18, and so on. They upped my thyroxine and started me on hrt. That was revolutionary. I felt a short period of time where I was how I used to be. Sadly since then I have yo-yo’d a bit. Started t3, brilliant. Given the mirena, Lenzetto and tostran. Amazing! Problem is it seems everytime I have an adjustment on one- it tips the balance of the other. So I go up on thyroxine- it then depletes my oestrogen and then I chase my tail playing tag with my doses. I am feeling pretty beaten at the moment if I’m honest. any ideas on how to manage this any better?

 :hug:  peri-menopause can be debilitating, throw in thyroid function disorders and 1 hormone seems to upset others.

Hopefully some1 will be along. 


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