Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

Thyroid issues & support

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As thyroid concerns quite often arise on MM, threads on other topics sometimes get derailed when a thyroid matter comes up that needs in depth discussion &/or repeated posts to deal with.  For those who are understandably only interested in the original topic I imagine it can get frustrating when their thread gets cluttered with often lengthy posts that don't address the issue they raised.  Perhaps also guilt-inducing/inhibiting for those whose thyroid concerns have come to the fore & taken the thread off piste!  Sometimes this means the thyroid related discussion is continued via PM, but what's then discussed privately & potentially of interest to other members who could have valuable contributions to make, doesn't get aired.

So I wondered whether a dedicated thyroid thread might be helpful?  We do have many threads with thyroid in the title, I know, including a fairly recent one on interpreting thyroid test results, but the focus of that is narrower than I have in mind here.  Is there support for a general thyroid thread here, on which members can post all manner of thyroid concerns?  My thinking is PM will still be invaluable for anyone who understandably doesn't want to post their medical history, tests results etc publicly.

Hi Wrensong

I think that’s a great idea!

By thread, do you mean it’s own category like Post Menopause etc?

M x

Hi Marchlove, I was just thinking a potentially long-running thread, like the anxiety support thread or the poo thread, both of which members seemed to find helpful to go back to again & again.  Would that work do you think?  But open to whatever everyone thinks would work best, assuming that's OK with Admin.

Probably a long running thread as you’ve suggested would be best.

Then everything will be in one place.


Keep On Swimming:

I don't know which format would work the best because I'm only new here, but meno + thyroid issues are so interconnected that a specific thread for this would be great. Thanks so much.


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