General Discussion > Birthdays and Events

2024 - Glastonbury anyone?

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Any1 braving the crowds, weather, cooking smells etc. this year ?  ;D

Not this year CKLD!

As we live in the area we used to go on the Sunday with the locals ticket.

Just been into Wells, big sign up in shop saying ‘Get your Wellies for Glastonbury here’  ;D

 :rofl:  ....... my idea of Hell!   

Actually Wells was rather sad today. It’s market day and usually it’s full of people.
This time of year it’s full of American and Japanese tourists and the income they bring to the small cathedral town is huge, but today they weren’t there.

 The market stalls started calling it a day pretty early, I doubt they covered expenses.

Glastonbury only a few miles away but might a well be a different planet somehow.  X

Many++ years ago we drove in and couldn't find a parking space, we planned to walk the dog to the Tor and back  :-\. At least we avoided the alternative remedies etc..  We love Wells  ;)


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