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Author Topic: vertigo/dizziness  (Read 2468 times)


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« on: February 03, 2021, 10:52:31 AM »

Has anyone experienced extreme dizziness due to hormone changes.

I began using progesterone 10 consecutive days after being oestrogel only for 7 months. I decreased oestrogel dose at the same time.

I had what i thought was a progesterone intolerance reaction. Very heavy period, almost suicidal, massive swollen breasts, libido through the roof, exhausted, felt like i had a flu virus.

My hormone consultant told me to hold off on progesterone and get back to balance with previous oestrogen dose, then restart a 10 day utrogestan regime with continued high dose oestrogel.

All this makes sense to me, however i have stayed away from utrogestan for a good 2 weeks now. My sleep is still disturbed and libido still more than it used to be and still dizzy for most of the day.
I am taking gp prescribed meds for the vertigo symptoms, and my gp.suspects i have menieres. In other words my reaction to progesterone may not be as extreme as i think, and i may have been unlucky enough to experience a virus (which triggered menieres and vertigo) at the same time as strong reaction to progesterone.

So back to my question - anyone on this forum experienced the ongoing vertigo symptoms i have described as a side effect of hormones being out of balance?

Huge thanks


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Re: vertigo/dizziness
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2021, 12:56:02 PM »

Hello lindseywalsh and welcome to the forum.

I understand that dizziness can be part of the menopause but a virus may also be contributing in your case. It is certainly the right time of year and I recently had Labyrinthitis which causes a loss of balance etc. I was better after a week of plenty of rest and fluids and taking Stemetil tablets from my GP.

I am sure other ladies will be along to advise you and I hope you feel better soon.

Take care.


Sage 🍃

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Re: vertigo/dizziness
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2021, 04:38:56 PM »

Hi lindseywalsh! Welcome to the forum! It's been a while since I had a vertigo episode, but recently I've been feeling dizzy and having bad tinnitus. I'm not on HRT and I'm postmenopausal. I'm wondering if it's a (or THE) virus! That said, I think hormonal fluctuations can cause vertigo and changes in libido, so maybe it's not progesterone intolerance, but just a drop in oestrogen during prog cycle? Hopefully someone will come along with more useful personal experiences  :-*


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Re: vertigo/dizziness
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2021, 09:44:49 PM »

I was prescribed Stemetil/prochlorperazine when I had a few months of dizzy spells that I believed were caused by hormone changes. It's hard to say for sure what caused the dizziness. I wasn't on HRT, just in perimenopause, with v low oestrogen.

It worked very quickly, I took it only when I had a dizzy spell and as if by magic, the dizziness disappeared in minutes. They eventually stopped being so frequent and so extreme. I don't know why, maybe another hormone change?


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Re: vertigo/dizziness
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2021, 10:11:59 PM »

My first peri symptoms were constant dizziness, nausea and a vile Ill feeling. Took a long time to settle and, on different trials, it can come back. At times I had vertigo. Its so awful.

I had so many tests. But I'm 99% sure it was hormonal.


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Re: vertigo/dizziness
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2021, 11:30:47 PM »

Hi lindsaywalsh
I too have what I call lightheadedness, and Tinnitus. Nothing spins round, but just have the feeling I could faint any time soon. I have it for 2 to 3 weeks most days, then for a week or so it disappears! I'm 61, 4 yrs postmenopausal and have never had hrt. I think it's hormonal, because I have this pattern with mine