Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Cold water and adrenaline

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 Just found this.

 :o and supposedly someone suffering with depression should stay awake all night  :-\

DO NOT jump into cold water as one can die of shock.  Ease into a cool bath or pool gently.  Swimming helps endorphins.  It's non weight bearing and one can shut off .........

Hello ladies

Another way to lower inflammation is to eat plant foods, only animal products are pro inflammatory. Sorry to bang on about diet etc ladies but at this time in our lives I think all lifestyle changes are up for consideration.

Having said that, I'm not sure I could cope with a cold shower but I suppose I could turn the water temperature down a notch!

Take care all.


Hi Kathleen. First cold pre-bed shower last night. (OK so it wasn't freezing it was cold!).
Went in slowly but after 2 minutes managed to get my back under.

I actually felt calmer, more lucid. I think anything to get your core body temp down
pre bedtime is a good thing for me. I know when I am stressed in the middle of the night
I feel hot and bothered (Although I have never had the ' sweats' at all).

I am going to keep going with it. At least there is a simple 'cause and effect' element to it.
And it has no nasty side effects!

Did U put bubbles in  ;)  ???


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