Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Cold water and adrenaline

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I am interested in find out if cold water can help with adrenaline/cortisol/anxiety surges.
Someone on this site mentioned it and I think it makes lots of sense.
I find at night I am very hot and even with a cold flannel I sense my core temperature
increases my adrenaline.

I am going to have some cold baths before bed and in the morning and may take
a dip in the (freezing) sea where I live.

I had my first cold shower last night and it certainly re-sets the system.

Will keep you posted!

Cold showers are supposed to be very good for mental health issues.  The was a series on the BBC about how to improve mental health and get people off medication, if possible.  One of the techniques was cold swimming and the doctor, in the programme, took a women cool swimming and it did help her a lot. 

It might be worth doing a google and see if the programme is still available, or the BBC website.


--- Quote from: Shadyglade on August 27, 2019, 04:12:43 PM ---Cold showers are supposed to be very good for mental health issues.  The was a series on the BBC about how to improve mental health and get people off medication, if possible.  One of the techniques was cold swimming and the doctor, in the programme, took a women cool swimming and it did help her a lot. 

It might be worth doing a google and see if the programme is still available, or the BBC website.

--- End quote ---

Here we are Shadyglade:

Oh, well done Jenna. 👍

Hope that helps Squeaker.  :)

That's great. I will watch.

I wonder if when we get anxious it is our neurons over heating! I am very like my dad in physiology and he always has big stand out veins and gets sweaty after he drinks hot drinks. He is anxious too. I've just found a piece in the guardian about it too - the cold water lowers inflamation which I always think is a biproduct of Meno/Peri - I know my bowels are inflamed when I'm anxious!

Cold bath for me tonight.


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