Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Supplement advice

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Sharon J:
Hi ladies

Very new on hrt everol sequi, perimenopausal.  Still getting the headaches /migraines and the end of each period. My question is do you think any of the menopace products would be OK to take along side the hrt? .     Prior to taking hrt I took the menopace original but that did seem to help with anything....     Is the menopace max the best to go if I was to go back o  it?   Not sleeping either.

Hi Sharon, sorry you're not feeling well.

I think it's really good to have a base of good quality supplements. A good multi, vit c additionally, omega 3.

I don't know about menopace, but if it did nothing for you before, then I'd say not to bother with it again.

By taking a good base of supplements, it won't interfere with your hrt, I would say, but maybe someone else will be along with a different view.

Sorry you're not sleeping. That's really horrible. Is that because of night sweats or anxiety? If night sweats, then do make sure your bedroom is cool. Keep curtains shut in this hot weather and windows shut during the day. Also have a sheet to cover you aswell as your top cover so you can just have the sheet if necessary.

If it's anxiety stopping you from sleeping, that's tricky. I would maybe try magnesium citrate supplements taken before bed. Also in the multi make sure it is vit c from magnesium/calcium ascorbate and not acid.

Good luck. X

Sharon J:
Hi Jari
Yes that's what I was thinking about the menopace, but I was wondering about the max as it has ingredients in that if heard some mention.     Oh the magnesium is popping up all over the place on here so it must be good.   

I do get warm and wake up but not  but it's not full on dripping wet kind of hot. And also just using a sheet. 

I think it probably the anxiety causing the lack of sleep x

Hello ladies

As I eat a plant based diet I make sure I always take a vitamin B12 supplement.  I have discovered another supplement specifically designed for vegans but which may be helpful to non vegan ladies. It is a daily oral spray that delivers B12, Vitamin  D3, Iron and Iodine. I think Magnesium oral sprays are also available.

Hope this is helpful and take care everyone.


Hello Kathleen

The spray sounds really good. What is the brand and where do you buy it?

I'm vegetarian, but am following mainly a vegan diet now, though now and again I have a bit of cheese.

I have B12 in my multi, but could probably do with a bit more so the spray would be great. X


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