Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone tried Omega 7, Femarelle, Estroplus, Menomin or Femal?

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Has anyone tried any of these supplements in the Menopause Matters magazine? I am interested in Omega 7, Femarelle, Estroplus, Menomin or Femal? If so, have you noticed any benefits?

I am currently taking Sage, Shatavari, multi vits and magnesium. The sage is kind of working for the hot flushes.

Thanks  ;)

Hi Honeybean, I tried Omega 7 for quite a few months for vaginal dryness etc. Didn't really do a lot for me - still have it - so fed up with it!! Sorry x


--- Quote from: Lucyjo on July 26, 2019, 02:16:55 PM ---Hi Honeybean, I tried Omega 7 for quite a few months for vaginal dryness etc. Didn't really do a lot for me - still have it - so fed up with it!! Sorry x

--- End quote ---

Lucyjo, its so annoying. I still have it too. I'm sorry to hear Omega 7 isn't working for you. I read the reviews on Amazon and they seem really positive. I think, from what I have read, that it takes a month or two to get working and you have to double dose for the first fortnight. How long have you been taking them?

I am going to try Hyalo Femme or Gynomunal which are both creams for VA. I read about them in the Menopause Matters magazine. I have looked them up on Amazon and they both get great reviews. I am hoping that will  help.

All the best x

Let us know how you get on?


--- Quote from: CLKD on July 28, 2019, 02:29:54 PM ---Let us know how you get on?

--- End quote ---

CLKD I will, hopefully one of them will work!  ::)


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