Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Estrogen rich diets

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Hello Jari

My diet is best described as whole food plant based.  I follow this regime for it's anti inflammatory effects but  I realise that plants also contain phyto oestrogens. If it is possible to control symptoms by diet alone then anyone on HRT may infact be hampering the body's efforts to achieve a hormonal balance.

I haven't noticed any research about Oestrogen rich diets specifically so if you have any further information I'd be interested to read it as would other ladies I'm sure!

Wishing you well.


Hi Kathleen, I totally agree with you, I feel that hrt just messes with our body which is naturally rebalancing it's hormones. By adding foreign concentrated hormones, IMO, causes more problems in the long run.

One book I found worth reading is Marilyn Glenville's Natural solutions to menopause. In it, she explains the right foods to be eating, but you can look her up online too..

Here's an example:


I think you mentioned this B4 - shows how much this Meno-brain doesn't absorb.

I LOVE nuts particularly Brazils.  A source of ? selenium ?  Love spuds in any guise too.  that purple potato ? yam ? mashed with butter and black pepper.

Do U grow your own?  We have fresh peas straight from the pods and broad beans ...... runners still sulking  >:(  :D

I do love mashed potato. Sadly, not enough room to grow my own but I do have rhubarb which I love. :)

Rhubarb  :sick02:  ;D. takes up too much space.  Spuds would fill the space if you dug up the rhubarb  :lol:  we grew spuds in sacks a few years ago but again, they took up patio space.  We lovely though but not many ..........

We grow red beet; parsnip; broad and runners; peas; raspberries, strawberries, red/white currants; bilberries in pots .........

I love cooked beetroot with a roast or cold in a sandwich  ;)


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