Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Estrogen rich diets

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Hello all,

Just wondered if anyone is sticking to an estrogen rich diet and if you think it has helped with symptoms? X

R U able to explain more fully?

What exactly do you eat daily for example, where do you find recipes, ingredients etc.?


I'm trying as much as I can to have an estrogen rich diet as don't take hrt.

I just wondered if others are doing the same and if they can share what they are eating/ recipes?

I usually have muesli (no added sugar) for breakfast. I've found the « Dorset cereals Â» brand I like. I add some porridge oats to this and ground flaxseeds. ( I buy dark flaxseeds from health food shop and grind them before adding to muesli) I also add stewed prunes (about 6) and a couple spoons of the juice. Also add soy milk, hazelnut milk, oat milk or almond milk. (Whichever I have in fridge)

Lunch I have homemade hummus which I take with me to work. With carrots and red peppers and broccoli.

Dinner I normally have something like eg last night. Green lentils with a few black beans simmered for 30mins in water with a half veg stock cube. Then cook onions/ garlic separately and add things you like. For me, mustard seeds, a little cayenne pepper, ground coriander.. but whatever I feel like. Then add lentil mix to onion mix when lentils soft to eat and I added to some cooked whole meal pasta and courgettes on side.

A bit of a mix I know. 😉

But, that would be a usual day. With fruit snacks along the way, normally a couple of apples. X

DH eats lots of apples, I can't be bothered  ;D

Interesting that you call 'soya' etc. milk.  They are not milk but are constituted from the ingredients in order to look like milk.  Milk comes from cows, ewes, yak, horses, sheep, goats. 

People have stopped drinking animal milks due to the 'fat' content but in fact, many of the alternatives such a coconuts are higher in fats  ::).  I LOVE coconut water ......... DH also cooks with coconut 'milk' which is the soft part of the nut 'ground' into a paste.  I love drinking it from the can ...........

I would be inclined to go 1 further: a stock cube may well be all chemicals rather than an ingredient from meat/chicken/vegetable ;-).  On the next wet day boil up some bones for a couple of hours, strain the juice and freeze in ice-cube containers, ready to pop out - they will defrost whist cooking.  We have done herbs this way too.  We freeze chillies in small pieces.  I say 'we' - that's DH of course  ;) :D

I love the Dorset brand too but am currently on 'lilzies' ....... this morning with sugar, freshly picked raspberries and skimmed milk oh they are sharp  :o. I also eat as many green veg raw as possible, DH rarely cooks anything into the soggy state. 

Where's your protein?  Also, as a person who had breast disease and was told no HRT due to oestrogen dominance  :-\ ...... hey ho! I eats what I fancies  ;D


I will make a quinoa salad today with beetroot and avocado and some chopped nuts on top.

Quinoa and nuts are a good source of protein.

Sometimes I throw in some edamame beans or green peas when cooking pasta. They are both also good sources of protein.

I do snack on nuts. Normally Brazil, cashews and walnuts. Small handful each day. Good protein.

Otherwise.. soy, oats, cereal, lentils, hummus, nuts etc. All good protein. X

Ps Prunes are great for keeping off osteoporosis.


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