Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

BMI and hot flushes/night sweats

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Well done for losing 2 stone. That's brilliant!!! I want to get my BMI down too as I think it'll really help.
Are you feeling ok on AD and HRT? X

Hello Jari

I am nine years post meno and my flushes have never been too bad.  Unfortunately I still have problems with anxiety surges and some mood issues. I am only 5 foot 2 inches, slightly built with a BMI of 20.  I have always been slim and HRT has never caused any weight gain.

Wishing you well.


Hi Jari, over the last two weeks I have been feeling so much better think its my new HRT regime, I'm sleeping at night which has made a huge difference to me. x

Hi Kathleen, it sounds like your BMI is on the lower side of your bracket? Interesting to hear you don't suffer much with hot flushes. Do you take supplements at all for the moods/anxiety?

Foxylady that's great to hear it's working well for you! 😊


Hi Jari,
As I said on the other thread, I've noticed that they are correlated in my case. The overall sense of feeling hot is also worse when overweight. BMI is 26 and I have hot flushes day and night, worse at night because of disrupted sleep. Not much sweating, but it happens when humidity is high.


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