Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

BMI and hot flushes/night sweats

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So know what you mean Bear. Definitely feels worse when humid. I'm trying to get my bmi down to see if it will help.

Rosie, where is your bmi in your range/bracket? When you work out bmi online it gives the range where you should ideally fall, is your number on the higher end, mid or lower end?
I'm surprised your having night sweats even though on hrt! X

BMI 17.9 (unintentional - have difficulty maintaining weight).  7 years postmenopause.  Intense overheating from start of peri both day & night - now in 14th year of symptoms.  Rarely actually sweat so try not to use the term night sweats.  Feel lucky not having to change sopping sheets, but not being able to sweat contributes to the overheating being long lasting - difficult to cool down without sweating. 

Inability to sweat can be a problem for hypothyroid women, so I always thought that or the very low oestrogen from being too thin explained the severity of symptoms, but recently diagnosed with (suspected) Sjogren's which may be the real explanation for not sweating!

The overheating continued on HRT but I never found a regime to give me good absorption that also had tolerable side effects.  Night time has always been the worst, as being so hot wakes me right up & I find it difficult to get back to sleep as I also have chronic pain when lying down.  Overheating was truly horrendous during peri & completely wrecked my sleep - far better after a few years postmenopause by comparison, but still enough of a nuisance to try again with HRT after recent BSO.

Hope this doesn't sound like a sob story - just trying to tell it like it is!  It's sometimes said that women with low BMI tend to have a more extreme menopause, but I sympathise with those who feel they'd like to lose weight as I know how hard it is to change your natural body shape & the extra insulation must bring its own problems.


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