Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

BMI and hot flushes/night sweats

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Just thought I'd start this topic to try and gauge if BMI has anything to do with hot flushes/night sweats and severity for those of us not taking hrt or meds.
Any replies, can you put your BMI ( Google it and work out online calculator) and if you have hot flushes etc and how severe.

My BMI is 23.9, no hrt/meds and I have about 2 hot flushes a day which are not too intense and also night sweats which are more just feeling hot, but do wake me.

BMI.  32
 (yes I know way too high but have actually just lost a stone and still going)

Hot flushes day or night =. None

I am nearly 7 years post memo.  I had spells of horrendous flushes during peri but hardly any since.

Great you're not having any hot flushes now Shadyglade.

Do we count ourselves as post menopause from last period or a year after last period? X

I think that you are post menopausal from your last period BUT you cannot count that as your last period until a year has past.

If I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me.

BMI: 32.4 (that's having lost 2 stone) still motivated to lose more as I believe it will (although difficult to measure) help with symptom control aswell as general health/wellbeing. I suffer from hyperhidrosis (over sweating) since a teenager, previously affected predominantly my hands, feet, under arms. I take AD (for the sweats) and HRT, sweats much less (once twice a day). I am peri.


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