Menopause Discussion > Press requests etc

Your story for the magazine

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I just wondered if you stll want people to contact you with storys? Thanks x

Contributors are always needed.

Sharing your menopause experiences with other women can help them get through their menopause and make them feel that they are not alone. In our magazine, Menopause Matters we publish articles under "My Menopause", where you tell us your story.

If you would like to share your experience we would like to hear from you. Anonymity can be assured in sensitive cases.

Please contact the editor at [email protected]
Thank you for your help, we sincerely appreciate it.

I'm happy to tell my story, because I think I have quite an interesting one to tell - brainless and aggressive GPs, dodgy naturopaths, insomnia, hot flushes, anxiety, depression - ahhhh maybe it could become a mini-series. Plus I'm a writer at heart, so I will put something together and email it off.

Come on girls don't be shy

Your menopause story can let women know that they are not alone when suffering horrible night sweats, mood swings and regular hot flushes. what you did, tried in the way of remedies, what worked and what didn't is all useful information.

This is typically what we are looking for and it's not a bad procedure to help you string the words together.
The articles follow a fairly straightforward pattern and we need information such as:

* A little bit about yourself to give the reader a picture of you.
* When did you get your first flush or symptom?
* When did you realise that it may be the menopause?
* What treatment did you seek?
* Did you go to your GP?
* Or did you try some alternative treatments?
* Was your GP helpful?
These are some of the basics but every women is different and I dare say you will have points to add to these.

If you could go through your menopause story as if you were telling your best friend about what happened to you it is not a bad way of approaching it. We need at least 1000 words, which sounds a lot but I'm sure you'll find it comes easy. Don't worry if you go to 1300 words, we can cope with that.

We also need a high-res picture of yourself. It is better to be doing something in the picture rather than it being a passport head and shoulders type. If you wish to remain anonymous we can use a library picture and indeed we can change your name.

If you are still not sure or need more information please get in touch with me at [email protected] and I'll guide you along the way.

editor Menopause Matters

Stories are always needed. Get in touch with the editor.



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