Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone taking Menopause Mood Relief tablets (H&B) and Starflower Oil together?

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Hi. Just from my experience I would say be careful of taking supplements in general. I was in a bad place anxiety wise and was desperate for a ' fix'. I took something called Menopace and also Valarian.  Three months later during a routine blood test my liver enzymes were elevated. I had to have a liver scan and more tests ; bit scary. Both the GP and the consultant (lady of Meno age) told me to come off the supplements . Four weeks later my bloods were fine again and have been every since.  So just be careful as I have had a few GPs ward me off herbal/vitamin self diagnosis because of the effect of the liver. I  thought that sort of stuff was at worse a harmless placebo but after my experience I am more cautious.


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