Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone taking Menopause Mood Relief tablets (H&B) and Starflower Oil together?

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hi there,

I just started taking the Holland and Barrett Menopause Mood Relief tablets ( they contain St. Johns Wort and Black Cohosh) and 1000mg of starflower oil with Vit B6.

Just wondering if anyone has been taking this compination for a while and how they are doing on it?

tks a lot

Hi boilingkettle

I take 1000mgs starflower oil and a menopace tablet. I also take a high dose of magnesium before bed. I'm sure it does help but I'm finding my hot flushes are increasing now and waking me at night. I may start to look at black cohosh for my sweats but need to check if I can take this as I'm also on citalopram and zolmatriptan for migraines. I cannot take hrt as it doesn't agree with me.

Thanks Catlover - did you find that it helped with anxiety? I am getting really bad night sweats but also morning anxiety through the roof  :( hoping this combi will help.

The only thing that's helped with my anxiety is citalopram. It's not ideal for everyone but I find a low dose keeps me on an even keel though my anxiety rears it's ugly head from time to time but not as bad as before I started the medication. It's personal preference whether you want to go down the antidepressant route but as I can't take hrt I chose to do this. I think the starflower and menopace could be helping but I can't be sure for definite. Have you considered hrt at all?

hi there,

thanks so much for your response. I have considered it but I have a friend who was on it ( the same one recommended to me) for a year and felt great and this year has had big health issues as a result of it.. Also in my 20's I tried lots of different types of contraceptive pill and they drove me "loco" I am not kidding.
I am 48 this year and they will only give me HRT where you have a period ... that is one thing I dont miss!!! I havent had them for 2 years and the thought of going back there isn't good.

Any other feedback from any ladies out there?


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