Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Natural menopause supplements.

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Ah thank you. I will check them out  :)

I started using them as I was getting uti's a lot,not had any since taking these,shouldn't have said that should I 🤭🤐

Jaypo and Sleepy... I've found one called Synerbio Daily plus by Viridian, which I'm going to try.
Keep posted how it goes! 👍 x

Thanks jari x

A word of caution on supplements. I took one called Menopace for 6 week then had elevated liver enzymes in a basic blood test.
GP told me to come off them then two week later they were fine again. He said he had seen that before with people taking extra vitamins that they didn't need. Also Valerian can not agree with some. I think a basic blood test is a good start to show up any major deficiencies.

I do not drink soya milk and green tea but don't know if it has an effect . Caffeine and alcohol make me feel rough and hyper now - even a single cup/glass so I avoid.


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